In my last blog post, I introduced data democratization. Today, I’ll share an approach to architecting a metadata search solution that enables data democratization. There are a number of ways to craft a comprehensive guided search of a firm’s data catalog and governance metadata repositories, each with its own cost/benefit profiles. For example, creating a […]
David Willner
David Willner is a business-focused information technology executive in Perficient’s financial services practice. His specialty is in transformation and data strategy programs. Before Perficient, he served as a managing director at J.P. Morgan Chase, senior managing director and chief development officer at Bear Stearns, and chief information officer, corporate comptrollers, at AIG. When he is not improving our client’s operations, systems, and data, he can be found playing guitar in his blues/rock band.
Blogs from this Author
Data Democratization in Financial Services (Part 1 of 4)
In my 30-plus years of leading and supporting data programs for major financial brands, data democratization has gone from wish lists to a must-have. Over the next few blog posts, I will discuss the concept of data democratization and why it’s critical for financial institutions, from banks to insurance companies, to embrace it. Data is […]
A Data Governance Maturity Model for Financial Services (Part 4 of 4)
In my last blog post, I shared what a 360-degree view of data means when centered around data lineage principles. Today, in my final blog post of this data lineage series, I’ll discuss how Perficient’s Data Governance Maturity Model can help enhance your data programs. Given the power of data lineage to augment and enforce […]
A Data Lineage-Driven 360-Degree View of Data in Financial Services (Part 3 of 4)
In my last blog post, I shared what an automated data lineage solution can look like when it’s implemented. Today, I’ll discuss what a 360-degree view of data means when it’s centered around data lineage principles. In order to maximize the benefits of creating a cohesive, integrated set of governance tools, a firm should consider […]
What Does An Automated Data Lineage Solution in Financial Services Look Like? (Part 2 of 4)
In my last blog post, I introduced data lineage. Today, I’ll share what an automated data lineage solution can look like when it’s implemented. In order to reap the benefits obtained from integrating data lineage into the fabric of an overarching data governance program, each of the respective governance tools must be implemented, configured, and […]
The Value of Data Lineage in Financial Services (Part 1 of 4)
Over the next few blog posts, I will share how you can supercharge your firm’s data governance programs by leveraging data lineage capabilities. The information I will share with you is based on many years of experience leading and supporting large data governance initiatives in financial institutions. Whether you’re in commercial, retail, or investment banking, […]
Taking Advantage of AI and ML in Financial Services
Previously, I analyzed how dirty, or bad data is the enemy of machine learning. The final blog of this series describes the advantages of artificial intelligence and machine learning in financial services. Many financial services organizations have already begun to take advantage of ML technology because of its proven ability to reduce operational costs, increase […]
Dirty Data in Financial Services: The Enemy of Machine Learning
Previously, I discussed machine learning and the traits that separate it from artificial intelligence. This blog analyzes how dirty, or bad data, is the enemy of machine learning. While entirely accurate and complete data is the goal of a comprehensive data management program, many firms fall somewhat short. Siloed governance projects and the lack of […]
Machine Learning in Financial Services: A Discipline Under AI
The term artificial intelligence (AI) was first coined in 1956 by the computer scientist, John McCarty, when he held the first academic conference on the subject at Dartmouth College. McCarty, who is widely recognized as the father of AI, defined it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.” Over time, the meaning of […]
The Rise and Stagnation of Digital-Only Banking
The rise of digital-only banking is an international phenomenon. New digital-only banks, also known as neobanks, are being launched and fighting for market share in locations across the globe including the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Belgium, India, UAE, Israel, and Hong Kong. To a customer, the advantage of a digital-only bank is the promise of […]
Artificial Intelligence Enhances Financial Service Firms
Previously, I discussed how artificial intelligence (AI) can assist financial services firms. This blog highlights the benefits of AI strengthening cybersecurity and boosting profitability. AI for Strengthening Cybersecurity Another important horizontal use of AI technology relates to cybersecurity. Given the complexity of the disjointed set of security tools typically deployed in an enterprise, and the […]
Breaking Down Artificial Intelligence in Financial Service Firms
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to revolutionize a multitude of functions at financial services firms. Whether part of an overall digital transformation program or as a targeted deployment to improve customer service, increase profitability, or enhance information security, leveraging the latest advancements in AI can have a profound impact on a firm. Artificial intelligence […]