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Front-End Development

Plop.js – A micro-generator framework: Template Creation (Part-2)

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Continuing our Plop.js journey from last blog

In our previous discussion, we explored an introduction to Plop.js and its installation in a Next.js project. Additionally, we looked at a basic skeleton of plopfile.js.

Plopfile Js Config

Understanding the Components of plopfile.js

As we saw earlier, the plopfile.js consists of key elements that define the generator. Let’s break them down again for clarity:

  • The “setGenerator” creates a generator of the plop. Here, this plopfile.js has a single generator called “basics”.
  • The “description” as the name suggests, describes the purpose of the generator.
  • The “prompts” is an array of prompts. This could be added for your created generator.
  • The “actions” takes the information that the user provided to each prompt. It is an array of where each action is an object. This is an important step and requires creating some templates.

Creating Our First Template

Before diving into the template creation, let’s first understand the concept of “actions” inside “setGenerator”. After all, this is where the real magic happens!

Let’s write a generator to create a new component.

Plopfile Js Config Create Component

plop.setGenerator("component", {
  description: "Create a new React component",
  prompts: [
      type: "input",
      name: "name",
      message: "What is this component’s name?",
  actions: [
      type: "add",
      path: "src/components/{{pascalCase name}}/{{pascalCase name}}.tsx",
      templateFile: "plop-template/component.hbs",

Breaking Down the Code

  • In the above example, we use the “add” action type, which creates a file at the specified “path” and fills it with a skeleton defined in “templateFile”.
  • Plop relies on Handlebars (Handlebars.js), a templating engine used for generating structured text like HTML or JavaScript files.
  • Notice that the “templateFile” ends with a .hbs extension, which signifies a Handlebars template.

Exploring More Actions

Apart from “add”, there are several other built-in actions like:

  • “addMany”
  • “modify”
  • “append”
  • “custom” (for fully customized actions)

You can explore the full list here: Plop.js Built-in Actions.

Organizing Templates in a Folder

Now that we understand actions, let’s organize our template files.

  1. First, create a new folder called plop-template at the root of your project.
  2. Inside this folder, create different Handlebar templates for various file types such as:
    • .tsx for React components
    • .scss for styles
    • .md for documentation
    • .test.tsx for test cases

Handlebars Syntax Example

In Handlebars, variables are enclosed within double curly braces {{}}. Moreover, built-in helpers like “pascalCase” allow formatting of variables.

Component Handlebar

const {{pascalCase name}} = () => {
  return <div>{{pascalCase name}} Component</div>;

export default {{pascalCase name}};


In addition to “pascalCase”, you can also use:

  • “camelCase”
  • “snakeCase”
  • “lowerCase”

Check out the complete list here: Plop.js Built-in Helpers.


Running the Generator Using Plop

After setting everything up, we are now ready to run our generator! There are two ways to do this:

  1. Using CLI CommandRun Generate ScriptRun Generate Script Running
  2. Using VS Code Script Runner
    Alternatively, you can open the package.json file, hover over the “generate” script, and click on “Run Script” in your editor.Generate Plop Script Runner

Generating Our First Component with Plop

Now, let’s create our first real component “Button” using plop command npm run generate (with either of the two options mentioned above). After you run the command, the terminal will show prompts as mentioned in the plopfile.js

This will prompt you with questions as per plopfile.js, such as:

  1. What is this component’s name? → Button
  2. HTML element (default is div)? → button

Run Generate Script First Component

Once you provide the inputs (refer the above screenshot to understand better), the component gets created at the specified location, and you will see a success message in the terminal.

Final Component Created

Final Thoughts

As you can see, Plop.js simplifies component creation by automating file generation and reducing repetitive tasks. By setting up structured templates, we ensure consistency and boost productivity across the project.

What’s Next?

In the upcoming section, we will explore:

  • Other key Plop.js methods (beyond “setGenerator”)
  • Built-in and custom actions
  • More practical examples

So, stay tuned!


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Rasika Senad

Rasika Senad is a lead technical consultant at Perficient with over 12 years of experience in front-end development. She has been with Perficient for the past 10 years, actively contributing to various organizational and practice-level initiatives. Beyond work, Rasika is a wife and mother to twin daughters. She enjoys music, dancing, cooking, celebrating festivals, and cherishing time with family and friends.

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