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Comprehensive guide for web and ADA compliance in shopify website

Shopify Adacompliance

In today’s digital age, ensuring that your Shopify store is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is not just good practice—it’s a legal requirement. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that businesses provide equal access to all individuals, and this extends to online storefronts. ADA compliance ensures that your e-commerce site is usable by people with visual, auditory, and other impairments. Let’s explore how to make your Shopify store ADA compliant.

What is WCAG?

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are not legally binding. Still, they can be used by the courts to penalize websites that don’t meet ADA standards

WCAG is a great reference to ensure your website is meeting the minimum requirements for accessibility. There are three parts to WCAG: 1.0, the current 2.0, and an extension 2.1. There are three ratings within WCAG 2.0, these are:

A: Minimum accessibility requirements met.
AA: Recommended requirements that comply with ADA.
AAA: Exceeding expectations.

Who needs to follow ADA compliance standards?

Any business in the United States that operates 20 or more weeks of the year and has 15 or more employees is legally required to be ADA compliant.

This actually means that a lot of eCommerce websites don’t have to be ADA compliant, but it’s still beneficial to try and meet the standards outlined by the WCAG guidelines. It’s good for your brand and it helps customers with disabilities navigate your store.

Let’s have a deeper look at ADA compliance and what it means for eCommerce stores.

Why ADA Compliance Matters

  1. Legal Requirement: Non-compliance can lead to legal repercussions, including lawsuits and fines.
  2. Inclusivity: Accessibility ensures that all users, regardless of their abilities, can interact with your site.
  3. Market Reach: By making your site accessible, you open your business to a broader audience, potentially increasing your customer base.
  4. SEO Benefits: Accessible websites often perform better in search engine rankings due to improved usability and readability.

Steps to Ensure ADA Compliance in Shopify Website

  1. Use an ADA-Compliant Theme
    Start with a theme that is designed with accessibility in mind. Shopify’s theme store has several options that meet these criteria. Look for themes that explicitly mention ADA compliance.
  2. Implement Alt Text for Images
    Start with a theme that is designed with accessibility in mind. Shopify’s theme store has several options that meet these criteria. Look for themes that explicitly mention ADA compliance.
  3. Keyboard Navigation
    Your site should be fully navigable using a keyboard. This includes being able to access all interactive elements like links, buttons, and forms without using a mouse. Test your site to ensure that users can tab through elements in a logical order.
  4. Readable Text
    Ensure that text is legible by using high contrast between text and background colors. Avoid small font sizes and complex fonts that are hard to read. Use headings appropriately to structure your content logically.
  5. Video and Audio Content
    Provide captions for all video content and transcripts for audio content. This ensures that users with hearing impairments can access the information.
  6. Form Accessibility
    Forms should be accessible by screen readers. Ensure each form field has a clear label and instructions. Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes to enhance accessibility.
  7. Responsive Design
    Your site should be responsive and work well on all devices and screen sizes. This helps users with disabilities who rely on screen magnification or other assistive technologies.
  8. Consistent Navigation
    Consistent navigation helps users with cognitive impairments understand and navigate your site more easily. Keep menus, links, and other navigational elements consistent across all pages.
  9. Color Use
    Don’t rely solely on color to convey information. For example, if an error message is displayed in red, ensure there is an additional text explanation. This helps users with color blindness understand the message.
  10. Regular Testing and Audits
    Regularly test your site using accessibility evaluation tools like WAVE, AXE, or Lighthouse. Conduct manual audits and user testing with individuals with disabilities to identify and rectify issues.

Tools and Resources

  • Shopify Accessibility Documentation: Provides guidelines and resources specific to Shopify.
  • WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool): Helps identify accessibility issues.
  • AXE Accessibility Checker: Browser extension for testing and diagnosing accessibility issues.
  • Lighthouse: Google’s open-source tool for auditing the accessibility of web pages.


Ensuring ADA compliance in your Shopify store is crucial for creating an inclusive and accessible online shopping experience. It not only helps you meet legal requirements but also enhances user experience and expands your customer base. By following the steps outlined above, you can make your Shopify store welcoming and usable for everyone.

Embrace accessibility as a core value of your e-commerce strategy. It’s an investment in your brand’s future and a commitment to inclusivity that benefits all users.

Looking for Shopify Commerce expertise?

Our team of top-tier Shopify commerce professionals specialize in tailoring solutions to meet your unique objectives, whether you operate in the B2B, B2C, or enterprise space. With our expertise, you can leverage cutting-edge architectures such as Headless, Composable, or Microservices to build robust platforms that meet the demands of today’s digital landscape. From initial consultation to post-launch support, our experts are committed to ensuring smooth and successful implementation every step of the way.

Ready to Transform Your Commerce Experience?

Do not let outdated commerce solutions hold your business back. Partner with Perficient today and unlock the full potential of Shopify for your online sales channels. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards commerce excellence. Let us turn your vision into reality together.

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Mouli Ganapathy

Mouli is a seasoned professional with over 14 years of experience in MarTech, Digital Experience Consulting & Solutions. As a Director at Perficient, Mouli expertly manages the company's E-Commerce and Customer experience practice, helping clients to optimize customer engagement and increase conversions for maximum return on investment. With a wealth of knowledge and a diverse background in various industries, including Retail, Consumer Packaged Goods, Manufacturing, and Healthcare, Mouli is a trusted advisor and valuable asset to Perficient and its clients.

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