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Dynamic Element Handling in Salesforce UI with Katalon Studio

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Salesforce is a widely used customer relationship management (CRM) platform that offers a range of tools and services to help businesses manage their customer interactions effectively. One key aspect of Salesforce is its user interface (UI), which includes various dynamic elements designed to enhance user experience and streamline workflows.

Understanding Dynamic Elements in Salesforce UI

Dynamic elements in Salesforce UI refer to elements whose properties, such as IDs, class names, or attributes, may change dynamically based on various factors like user interactions, data updates, or page reloads. Common examples include dynamic dropdown menus, pop-up dialogs, and elements generated through AJAX requests.

Challenges in Testing Salesforce Dynamic Elements

Testing dynamic elements in Salesforce UI, such as pop-ups, dynamic menus, or conditional visibility of fields, can pose significant challenges due to their ever-changing nature. Some common challenges include:

  • Locator Instability: Dynamic elements may change attributes or properties, causing traditional locators to fail.
  • Timeouts: Determining appropriate wait periods for dynamic elements can be challenging due to varying external factors.
  • Script Maintenance: Keeping test scripts up-to-date with evolving dynamic elements can be complex.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Ensuring consistent behavior across different browsers adds another layer of complexity.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring users with disabilities can navigate and interact with dynamic elements effectively is crucial.

Strategies to Handle Dynamic Elements

Here are some strategies to handle dynamic elements in Salesforce UI using Katalon Studio:

  1. Use XPath and CSS selectors to locate elements based on their attributes, structure, or position within the DOM. Prefer using selectors that are less likely to change, such as parent elements or unique attributes.
  2. Implement dynamic waits to ensure test scripts wait for the presence, visibility, or specific conditions of dynamic elements before interacting with them. Katalon Studio provides built-in keywords like waitForElementVisible and waitForElementClickable to facilitate dynamic waits.
  3. Enable the Smart Wait feature in Katalon Studio, which dynamically adjusts the wait time based on the actual loading time of elements. This helps improve the stability and reliability of test scripts, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations.
  4. Use relative XPath expressions that traverse the DOM hierarchy from stable parent elements to locate dynamic elements instead of relying on absolute XPath, which can be brittle and prone to breakage. This approach ensures better resilience to UI changes.
  5. Handle frames and IFrames in Salesforce UI using Katalon Studio’s switchToFrame keyword to switch context to frames or IFrames before interacting with elements inside them.

By using these strategies, you can handle dynamic elements in Salesforce UI more efficiently and maintain stable and reliable test automation processes.

Tools or Libraries that can Help with Testing Dynamic Elements

To handle dynamic elements in Salesforce using various tools and libraries, consider the following options:

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio supports Salesforce testing and offers features like custom test objects, iterative page navigation, and regular maintenance of test scripts to cope with changing dynamic elements.

Selenium WebDriver

Selenium WebDriver is a popular choice for testing web applications, including Salesforce. Its flexibility lets you handle dynamic elements using XPath or CSS selectors with dynamic expressions.

Page Object Model (POM)

The Page Object Model organizes page elements and their associated actions into classes, allowing easier maintenance and better organization of test scripts.

Explicit Waits and Assertions

Explicit waits and assertions help wait for dynamic elements to load and verify their states and behaviors.

Regular Script Maintenance

Keep test scripts up-to-date with evolving dynamic elements.

Regression Tests

Performing regression tests after every release ensures that newly introduced dynamic elements do not break existing test cases.

Cross-Browser Testing

Ensure consistency across different browsers and devices.

How can Dynamic Locators Help?

Dynamic locators play a crucial role in effectively testing dynamic elements in Selenium. Here’s how they can help:

  1. Flexibility: Dynamic locators, such as XPath or CSS selectors with dynamic expressions, allow testers to dynamically locate elements that change attributes or properties.
  2. Adaptability: By using dynamic locators, test scripts become more adaptable to changes in dynamic elements, ensuring that tests remain stable and reliable even when elements evolve.
  3. Robustness: Dynamic locators enable testers to define flexible and dynamic locators, making it easier to locate and interact with elements that may change or update without requiring a full page reload.
  4. Maintenance: Regularly updating locators to accommodate changes in dynamic elements is essential for preventing test failures and ensuring the accuracy of test results.
  5. Efficiency: Implementing proper synchronization techniques, including using dynamic locators, helps ensure that dynamic elements are ready for interaction before test execution, enhancing the efficiency of test scripts.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Some common mistakes to avoid when testing dynamic elements in Salesforce UI include:

  1. Relying solely on fragile locators: Avoid using volatile attributes like dynamically generated IDs or classes for locating elements. Instead, favor stable attributes or combinations of attributes to ensure consistent locator usage.
  2. Ignoring test maintenance: Failure to update test scripts regularly to account for UI changes can lead to false positives or negatives, rendering test results misleading.
  3. Not implementing proper synchronization: Insufficient synchronization can result in test failure due to dynamic elements not being fully rendered or accessible before interaction.
  4. Ignoring cross-browser compatibility: Confirm that dynamic elements render properly across different browsers and devices to ensure a seamless user experience.
  5. Lacking collaboration with development teams: Engage with developers early and often to stay abreast of planned UI modifications and collaboratively devise strategies to mitigate their effects on test scripts.

Applying these strategies allows you to develop efficient and maintainable test scripts capable of handling dynamic elements in Salesforce UI. Remember that maintaining test scripts for dynamic elements requires ongoing effort and attention to stay current with application UI changes.


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Sanket Dudhe

Sanket Dudhe is an Associate Technical Consultant at Perficient. He has an experience of 4+ years as SDET. He loves technology and hence is curious to learn about new emerging technologies #lovefortechnology.

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