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Achieving Success with Your E-commerce Upgrade or Replatform

Ecommerce Upgrade Replatform

Achieving Success with Your E-Commerce Upgrade or Replatform

Navigating e-commerce upgrades, whether for B2B or B2C businesses, can be compared to preparing a delicious feast in a busy kitchen. The secret ingredients for success are rapid growth and technological innovation. However, without a clear digital strategy, financial constraints, fear of risks, organizational resistance to change, and inefficient processes can hinder progress. To overcome these challenges, businesses need to prioritize their digital transformation, encourage innovation, train their teams, and seek guidance from industry experts. By doing so, they can fully leverage cutting-edge technology to drive growth and achieve success.

If you have any concerns or need specific advice about replatforming or upgrading your e-commerce system, get in touch with a B2B/B2B commerce expert today. Speak to an expert in e-commerce right away.

In this article, we’ll explore how businesses can scale their marketing technology stack and introduce tools (like Optimizely) to support their growth objectives. Whether you’re considering upgrading or replatforming, we’ll provide recommendations for a successful rollout. Staying ahead of technology and platform changes is essential for e-commerce companies to stay competitive and deliver exceptional user experiences. We’ll discuss the benefits of embracing new technologies, such as enhanced user experiences, scalability, security, and improved performance. By prioritizing technology updates, businesses can future-proof their operations, integrate systems effectively, and provide ongoing support for smooth operations.

Why E-Commerce Companies should Establish a Strategy and Prioritize Technology Changes:

  1. Competitive Advantage: To stand out from competitors, e-commerce companies must adopt the latest technologies and platforms. By offering enhanced user experiences, secure transactions, and innovative features, businesses can gain a competitive edge and attract more customers.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Technology advancements significantly impact the user experience on e-commerce platforms. Faster loading times, intuitive navigation, personalized recommendations, visual product configurators, chatbots for customer support, and seamless checkout processes all contribute to a better user experience. Adopting these technologies helps businesses deliver convenience, engagement, and satisfaction, leading to higher conversions and customer retention. Advanced technologies enable seamless mobile experiences, personalized recommendations, multiple payment options, and fast shipping.
  3. Scalability, security, and Performance: As e-commerce businesses grow, they need scalable technologies and platforms that can handle increased traffic and transactions. Outdated or inadequate systems may lead to slow performance, crashes, security vulnerabilities, or an inability to handle high volumes of orders. Staying ahead of technological changes ensures businesses have the necessary scalability, reliability, and performance to meet growing demands.

Ecommerce Success Roadmap

To maximize the impact of your results, we’ll highlight key products and their benefits using the Optimizely DXP tools. Here we’ll explain how each tool contributes to success. By following a strategic sequence for implementation and considering factors like integration, flexibility, future-proofing, and ongoing support, businesses can unlock the full potential of these tools.

1. Optimizely Commerce 

  • Whether you are considering an upgrade or a replatform This isn’t just about having the latest software; it’s also about updating the CMS’s functionalities to meet business needs. The first stage is a complete CMS audit to identify areas for improvement and dangers. Next, the organization should back up its data and work with experts to roll out a new CMS version and make sure it interacts with other enterprise systems and fulfills performance goals. The upgrade should also consider staff training for new features and tools.

2. Product Recommendations 

  • Improve the buying experience by recommending products based on browsing history, cart contents, and popularity. Leverage complex algorithms and data analysis to increase sales on your e-commerce site.

3. Optimizely Web Experimentation

  • This helps mitigate risks by testing new ideas on a small scale before full implementation of a new CMS, fostering innovation, reducing costly errors, and increasing the chances of a successful, user-friendly redesign that meets business goals.

4. Digital Asset Management 

  • The system at the center stores and manages various types of media, such as photos, videos, and documents. Digital asset management systems (DAMs) make it easier to manage digital assets and provide secure access to authorized users.

5. Content Marketing Platform 

  • This will help your business to plan, create, distribute, and evaluate content in order to engage and expand their audiences. This simplifies content marketing, ensures a consistent message across channels, and analyzes performance to improve planning. The program streamlines, controls, and enhances teamwork. Using a CMP to create relevant, high-quality content increases lead generation, customer engagement, and ROI. A content marketing platform centralizes and simplifies content marketing, provides data-driven insights, and assists firms in competing online.

6. Optimizely Data Platform

  • This tool collects, organizes, and unifies data from multiple sources, creating a single, comprehensive view of each customer. This 360-degree view enables businesses to deliver targeted, real time segments for A/B testing and personalized customer experiences.

7. Optimizely Web Personalization

  • Enable user-based website personalization to customized content and targeted promotions to increase client engagement using the Optimizely Web tool.

8. Content Recommendations

  • Provide related article suggestions or blog ideas to keep users engaged. Test different algorithms, user interfaces, and placements using Optimizely experimentation.

9. Optimizely Feature Experimentation 

  • Enable iterative progressive delivery and run experiments in various applications, including web, mobile, over-the-top (OTT), and server-side apps.

Ecommerce Optimizely Digital Tranformation

In summary, staying ahead of technology and platform changes in the e-commerce industry is crucial for maintaining a competitive advantage, meeting evolving customer expectations, improving the user experience, ensuring scalability and performance, addressing security and compliance requirements, enabling integration and flexibility, and future-proofing the business. It allows e-commerce companies to stay relevant, deliver exceptional experiences, and drive sustainable growth in the dynamic digital marketplace.

Are you prepared to significantly expand your online store?

Get in touch with our digital commerce specialists right away to find out how to take advantage of innovative tools and fine-tune your digital transformation strategy. Get in touch with us today for a free commerce assessment!

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Alex Harris, Conversion Optimization Director

Optimizely MVP/SME for Strategic Experimentation. Alex Harris, Conversion Optimization Director, Perficient.

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