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Life at Perficient

Daved Artemik Makes Valuable Contributions to the Optimizely Community

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The expertise of each colleague in our Optimizely practice recently led to Perficient being named Optimizely’s 2022 Solution Partner of the Year. Our award-winning team has the knowledge, dedication, and commitment to deliver innovative and impactful solutions to the world’s biggest brands.

Daved Artemik has years of experience and vast knowledge of the Optimizely platform. Below is an inside look into Daved’s role as a Senior Solutions Architect on our award-winning Optimizely team. He discusses how he guides and teaches the people he works with and the Optimizely community, the support he receives from leadership, and more.

What is your role? Describe a typical day in your life.


My role as a Senior Solutions Architect is to answer questions and provide support to other developers. I also work with clients on customer engagements in the content cloud that Optimizely developed for CMS customers and users. Additionally, I do code analysis on evaluations and projects to see how we can improve and optimize processes and help guide strategic development for extensions of the Optimizely product, SCORE. Within all of this, I also do standard development for front-and back-end components related to Optimizely products.

How does your role support Perficient? How are you making an impact and what impact do you hope to make?

I’m supporting Perficient by helping to improve the development and authoring experience for our developers and clients that work with Optimizely CMS products.

I hope to teach the developers I work with some cool tricks to make developing on CMS fun for them. I enjoy bringing new experiences they might not yet be familiar with, both within Optimizely CMS and in .NET languages, to enhance their overall learning experience. I also am a career counselor for several people, so I provide direction and ensure Perficient is meeting needs in regard to our Optimizely practice.

What has your experience been like as a Platinum Optimizely MVP?

I’ve received MVP recognition for over 11 years, but platinum is new within the last year. This new recognition signifies the amount of information and contributions I’ve shared with the community.

I’ve done a lot of development, extensions and plug ins, answering questions in forums, and trainings within the Optimizely community. I’ve also helped with Optimizely’s individual office hours and have done takeovers on Twitter to answer questions about different topics for developers, marketers, etc. Blogging is another way I’ve earned points toward this recognition, and I always write blogs with the mindset of teaching others. Most recently, I presented with a client at a session at Opticon22 which earned additional points toward my Optimizely contributions.

What motivates you to blog, and what benefits do you see?

I like teaching people, and I get the chance to do this through writing blogs about obscure and interesting topics. I’ve had several people within the Optimizely community reach out and thank me for problem solving.

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Aside from teaching others, it’s also a repository that I can refer back to. I want to help people, and writing something that people may benefit from motivates me. There’s always more to learn and more tools to access that allow for growth, and my blogs can be an extension of this.

What has your experience at Perficient has taught you?

It’s trained me how to become a better leader, a more responsible manager, and a mentor. I’ve always enjoyed that aspect of the role, but on the development side, the education comes from being involved in projects – these force you to figure out problems. Perficient has built a culture around training others and providing unique learning experiences you wouldn’t otherwise get that help influence the direction of our organization’s growth.

READ MORE: Perficient’s Growth for Everyone Initative

Why did you choose Perficient and what keeps you here?

I chose Perficient because they showed a willingness to stand behind the work we’re doing. Optimizely has turned into a growing practice making a big impact on our clients. Before joining Perficient, I talked to Dave Lewis and Stephen Tynes because I was nervous to step into a leadership role. They said they would stand behind me, and they’ve lived up to this and have provided the necessary resources and support when needed.

I’ve interviewed lots of people over the four and a half years I’ve been with Perficient, and people commonly ask why I enjoy working here. I tell people it’s great because we have support through everything we do, and it’s a great environment. I thought I was still in a honeymoon phase, but I’ve been here long enough to realize that’s just how it always is.

What are you passionate about outside of work?20200905 112829

My life mostly centers around my family and activities that include my wife and kids. I help coach my sons’ flag football teams, and we like to spend time together bike riding, camping, and being active. I have a passion for mountain and road biking, wood working, etc., both with and without my family.

Why are you #ProudlyPerficient?

It’s about the people and culture we have on the Optimizely development team. We have an excellent group of individuals on our team, and we all have a great relationship with one another considering we’re almost all remote. Our group has a close-knit relationship, even in a large company.


It’s no secret our success is because of our people. No matter the technology or time zone, our colleagues are committed to delivering innovative, end-to-end digital solutions for the world’s biggest brands, and we bring a collaborative spirit to every interaction. We’re always seeking the best and brightest to work with us. Join our team and experience a culture that challenges, champions, and celebrates our people.

Visit our Careers page to see career opportunities and more!

Go inside Life at Perficient and connect with us on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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Carolyn Kroupa

Carolyn is a Communications Associate Marketing Coordinator based in St. Louis, Missouri, focusing on Perficient employer branding and corporate communications. She joined the company in May 2022.

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