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CopySnapshotFromInstance – EPMAutomate Command

Claims Process

There are a few things I would like to add to clarify the usage of the CopySnapshotFromInstance command.  As the documented definition goes, it mentions as a current snapshot in one place but an existing snapshot in another. I would like to confirm that it works on both current and existing snapshots.

Copysnapshotfrominstance Definition


CopySnapshotFromInstance is the EPMAutomate command which can be used to copy a snapshot from a source environment to the target environment. It doesn’t have to be the current snapshot. It just needs to be there in the source environment’s Migration-> snapshot location.

CopySnapshotFromInstance needs the snapshot name, username, and the password file (not a password variable), source URL, and the identity domain from which we are copying the snapshot. However you will be already connected to the target environment before you run the CopySnapshotFromInstance command.

How do I use the command?

Sample Script

  • Log in to the target URL using the regular Login EPMAutomate command.
  • CopySnashotFromInstance “Snapshotname” “username” “passwordfile” “SourceURL” “Identity domain”
    1. Don’t give snapshots names as Simply cover it with double-quotes. In my example here it is “All_20_05_05”
    2. The password can’t be a variable or a direct password – It needs a file. Follow the encryption method to encrypt your password and store it in a file *.epw.
    3. Provide the full path to the password Example: C:/Oracle/EPM.epw. You don’t need quotes around it.
    4. As you can see my snapshot name is not the default “Artifact Snapshot” but is “All_20_05_05” which is one of the existing snapshots in the source location.
  • Logout from the target URL using the regular Logout EPMAutomate command.

It is actually very good and speeds up the process of downloading a snapshot to your local drive from the source URL, and then having to use another command to upload to your target URL. It saves a lot of download/upload time as it is directly from one POD to another.  Give it a try when you are in need next time!  Thanks to my coworker for talking about this in our internal forum and probing me to use it and get myself clarified more on this command’s usage and benefit.

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Lakshmi Venkatachalam

Lakshmi Venkatachalam is a Solutions Architect with Oracle CPM team of Perficient.

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