A colleague of mine recently informed me that there are hidden properties in Siebel Tools. This post will share how to make these properties available.
In your Tools.cfg file set this value:
ClientConfigurationMode = All
The complete list of object types can be found here.
Some of the more interesting object types include:
Applet | List Column | Sequence. When you are on a list applet and do an export of all columns, this value controls the order in which they appear. This had always puzzled me: if you do an export of visible columns, the order is the same as it is presented in the UI, but an export of all columns usually appears to be in a random order.
Applet | Background bitmap. The bitmap object definition to display in the background of the applet.
Applet | Control | Height. The height of the control in pixels. Valid values are numbers greater than or equal to 0. The default value is 10.
Applet | Control | Width. The width of the control in pixels. Valid values are numbers greater than or equal to 0. The default value is 40.
Applet | List Alpha Tab Search Field. Name of the alpha tab search field. The field specified is the field in the business component for the applet in which the alpha search should be applied.
If specified, it causes the list applet to have an alphabet tab search bar.
Note of caution, Siebel documentation also states that “You cannot use the Form Applet Wizard, List Applet Wizard, View Wizard, or set the HTML Sequence if the ClientConfigurationMode parameter is All.”