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Holiday Prep for Your Google Shopping Ads, #1: Feed Optimization

Companies that excel in Google Shopping all share one thing in common: they have highly detailed, thorough, and timely feeds.
According to Google, “…it is essential to provide high-quality data – product data that is fresh, accurate, and comprehensive.”

Shopping campaigns don’t target keywords directly, so good feed data is critical and the leading factor in whether Google shows your products or someone else’s.

The most important aspects of a great feed:

Regular Feed Updates

Google Shopping feeds should be refreshed daily, at a minimum. If there are significant changes in your product catalog, push updates live as soon as possible.

Accurate, Unique, and Descriptive Data

Your Google Shopping titles and descriptions should always be unique and detailed, and never be strictly manufacturer-supplied copy. Aim for complete, well-written, and relevant information that can’t be found on any other feed.

Recommended Attributes

Many advertisers either skip the recommended attributes altogether or have incomplete or missing data in those fields. If Google recommends it, it matters. Get any and all info into your feed and don’t let missing details be a deciding factor in your ad’s visibility.
For more tips on how to make the most of your Google Shopping ads during the holiday shopping rush, download our free guide, 5 Ways to Win at Google Shopping this Holiday Season.

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Morgan Hardy, Marketing Coordinator

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