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Fixing EPMA Validation Error BadResponseCodeException 500

After completing a Hyperion build or upgrade, a logical next step is running Oracle EPM diagnostic utility validate.bat ( on Linux) to collect information on configurations, database connections, web connectivity, and product-specific tests. Each test gets a pass or fail result; failures are diagnosed to fix any underlying issues before running validate again to make sure all tests pass. In a distributed EPM architecture, the validate utility is located in EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE\bin on every application server. Running validate produces a summary report in EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE\diagnostics\reports.

Recently, we have seen the following exceptions in a validation report on an EPMA server:

com.hyperion.cis.utils.BadResponseCodeException: Bad response code:500

In this instance, the recommended action ‘restart application’ doesn’t quite make sense; EPMA services start up successfully and the logs do not show any obvious errors. We also log-on to workspace and are able to access EPMA menus. However, http 500 code indicates a requested page is not being returned due to some unexpected condition. Troubleshooting further, we try to access EPMA URLs one by one and eventually, we see specific errors thrown:

Checking d:\temp folder, the Users group has somehow lost its write permissions so a quick edit to re-grant the permission:

Accessing EPMA URL is now successful:

Validate utility also shows EPMA tests have passed:

An rather interesting point: one small, obscure missing detail in a temporary folder can bring about unexpected (bad) results during validation.

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Quynh Bui

Quynh Bui is a senior technical consultant with Perficient’s Oracle EPM practice.

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