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Life Sciences

Why Companies Are Excited About The Shared Investigator Platform

Healthcare Data

This is the third post in a series on the TransCelerate Shared Investigator Platform (SIP). For more background on TransCelerate and SIP, see the previous two posts. In today’s post, we’ll be exploring the benefits of adopting the SIP.

First and foremost, the SIP resolves one of the biggest complaints expressed by sites, which is having to keep track of usernames and passwords for all of the IT systems across multiple studies and sponsors. It also solves the problem of having to remember which URL goes with which login credentials. Additionally, it allows investigators to enter information about themselves and their facility just once, and have that information shared across studies and sponsors.

Beyond those administrative tasks, the SIP offers a consolidated and standardized user experience that employs standard messaging functionality, training tracking, and document sharing, regardless of the study or sponsor, with many more modules to come. And, of course, each sponsor organization can create its own secure information-sharing space that is only accessible to site users working on its trials, which may include embedded links that offer seamless access to sponsor-specific IT systems, such as clinical data management and site payments.

If you are an investigator, that likely sounds like a dream. One set of login credentials, one URL, and one standardized platform that offers everything you need. But, if you are a sponsor, you are probably already seeing some of the challenges that come along with this apparent utopia.

We’ll take a closer look at those challenges in the next post in this series. In the meantime, check out this brief video that describes a project we completed for one of the TransCelerate member companies, and fill out the form below to download our related guide, Perspectives on the TransCelerate Shared Investigator Platform.

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Marin Richeson

Marin joined the life sciences industry in 2001. Over the course of her tenure, she has held roles in clinical finance, IT, quality assurance, and validation. The diversity of her experience provides her with a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of this complex, multi-faceted industry. Marin Richeson is a lead business consultant in Perficient's life sciences practice.

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