Perficient partners with Integrated Research to deliver their UC Assessor and Path Insight detailed network and environmental analysis. UC Assessor is a cloud-based tool that is designed to work with not only Skype for Business, but many different vendors such as AudioCodes, Avaya, and Cisco.
So, why conduct an advanced network assessment? Here are a few reasons why you should consider a professional services engagement with Perficient as a partner:
- You have conducted a basic network assessment and found areas where your metrics failed to meet the target values.
- You’re experiencing problems with audio, video, conferencing and sharing when using Skype for Business either online or on-premises.
- You’ve made significant changes to the environment such as network upgrades, or growth and acquisition.
- You are planning to move to Office 365 and need to ensure the best experience possible.
The solution consists of a software agent on a Windows PC or server which is used to test, or stress the network with simulated media traffic. The data is collected and collated online in the portal where the analysis. You can see some of the sample data the tool generates below.
You can see from the images above that IR’s UC Assessor is running an analysis based on a learned path. It is evaluating each network device in the path (in this case routers) to determine if they provide the expected level of service. It can also analyze the Skype for Business Online server roles. You can also evaluate an on-premises Skype for Business or Lync Server deployment by loading the topology file.
In the prior images, you can clearly see all devices in the path to Skype Online showing green. This shows they are all meeting the expected level of service. You can drill down into any individual hop and pull more detailed information. If you control those devices like an on-premises router or Lync/Skype server you can pull up an even greater level of detail.
The value that Perficient provides is our deep understanding of unified communications. This allows us to turn the network analysis information into actionable data. You want to learn more about what Perficient can do for you on our website –