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Integration & IT Modernization

4 Integration Fears to Avoid this Halloween

Halloween brings out the fear in everybody, from icky spiders to panic-inducing surprises. While a broken mirror is an easy fix, what’s truly scary for enterprises is lacking a cohesive integration strategy. Without the appropriate connections, data management, or simplicity, enterprises may find slower paths to market, costing revenue opportunities.

Luckily for enterprises, all integration fears have solutions. In our work with enterprises, we’ve discovered several answers to the challenges that keep executives up at night, which we cover in this blog.

Fear #1: How do I prepare my team for the transition?

For larger teams, the move from monolithic architecture to microservices and API integration requires a new set of skills. The move also sparks fear in employees, who worry about losing their jobs or having to invest time in acquiring new skill sets. For organizations looking at new integration strategies, preparation starts with cohesive communication, training, and adopting new culture that reduces worry and garners excitement around innovation opportunities. One way to start is writing standard operating procedures and providing training programs that slowly ease the organization forward.

Fear #2: How do I choose my integration?

Traditional monolithic architectures brought all aspects of infrastructure together while newer microservices, containers, and APIs break them down. Depending on your needs:

  • APIs connect applications together, creating more opportunities to share data for business opportunity. For example, a customer relationship management (CRM) platform can connect with a social networking tool to help an organization gather additional customer demographics.
  • Containers provide agility for application development, enabling solutions to run without the burden of an overlying operating system.
  • Microservices provide application development agility, allowing independently deployable services to operate as their own applications to serve one particular business goal.

Fear #3: What do I do with my data?

Data is at the center of every business model and integration solutions accelerate the usage of data even further. Along with your integration solutions, also consider adopting data recovery, database, and analytics platforms that add business value. Additionally, don’t forget to explore data security solutions, especially with the high cost of recovery and fixing of breaches.

Fear #4: How do I manage industry compliance?

Finally, healthcare and financial organizations must grapple with the changing landscape of industry regulations. In both industries, service providers must stay compliant with their data or face heavy fines. If you’re worried about healthcare compliance, read up regulations around HIPAA and HITECH, which provide guidance around technology and healthcare data. We have more about financial challenges on our financial services blog.

What fears do you have around your integration? Share them with us in the comments section below.

Overcome Integration Challenges

Are you facing challenges to integration success? Speak with one of our specialists at and download our guide “Overcoming Obstacles to Success with Microservices” below.

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Albert Qian

Albert Qian is a Marketing Manager at Perficient for our IBM PCS, DevOps, and Enterprise Solutions Partners focused on cloud computing technologies.

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