Imagine with me:
While surfing the web on his mobile phone, a young man receives an offer to apply to participate in a clinical trial. He thinks, “Why not?”, creates a user ID and password, and then follows a series of interactive prompts to build out his profile. While there are no current trials that are a good fit for him, he continues to receive occasional helpful tips for managing the conditions he included in his profile.
Down the road, his profile is flagged as someone who is not himself a good fit for a new study, but who might have people in his social network who are. So, he receives a request to spread the word to his network, along with ready-to-use tweets and Facebook posts. A few people in his network are interested and use the information in the tweets/posts to create their own profiles, just like their friend.
Finally, the original young man’s profile is flagged as someone who might be a good fit for an upcoming trial, so he receives a prompt to complete an eligibility questionnaire. He uses the interactive user interface to fill out the questionnaire and it turns out he is, indeed, a good fit! His information is routed to the site closest to him, and he receives an invitation to schedule his screening visit through a convenient mobile app.
The process we just imagined makes use of modern business process management (BPM) technology. Want to see it in action? Send us an email and we’ll show you.