Announced on Friday, June 23, 2017, Perficient acquired Clarity Consulting based out of Chicago. Clarity Consulting adds many capabilities to Perficient’s Microsoft practice for custom application development and cloud implementations. Most notably is the addition of Clarity Connect, a full feature contact center solution for Lync and Skype for Business. Clarity Connect was developed specifically for and is a native Skype for Business application. This means it uses the existing infrastructure to provide additional features alongside Skype for Business and maximizes the investment in a contact center solution. Clarity Connect acts as a trusted application within the Skype for Business infrastructure and doesn’t rely on additional external infrastructure for call routing or handling. More information on what native vs. non-native applications for Skype for Business can be found in this whitepaper published by Clarity Connect.
By adding Clarity Connect to Perficient’s Skype for Business practice is only going to provide our customers additional capabilities and features for their deployments, whether they are on-premises or in Office 365. I personally am excited about this new partnership and the possibilities it brings. I saw a demo of the product several years ago and was thoroughly impressed by it. The product was feature rich and the administration was simple and “made sense”. Be on the lookout for additional information in the future. If you would like to learn more about what we can provide for your enterprise, please leave a comment below.
More information on Clarity Connect can be found here at their website.
You can read the full press release here.
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Skype Practice Adds New Capabilities with Clarity Connect
by Jeff Brown on June 28th, 2017 | ~ minute read