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Customer Experience and Design

The Evolution of Telehealth and the Rise of Healthcare Everywhere

The evolution of telehealth has put us on course for a future of “healthcare everywhere.” Over the next decade, the need to meet a healthcare provider within the confines of brick and mortar will erode, and organizations with the technology and operations to support healthcare everywhere will lead the charge in the future of healthcare.

However, isolating telehealth vision to technology and internal process misses the most important part of the picture. Many healthcare organizations have implemented telehealth pilots and programs under the premise of “if we build it they will come.” Unfortunately, patients have shown that they will not engage without the proper on-boarding infrastructure. In fact, your telehealth program should have patient empathy built into its very core if you wish to evolve over time.

Given that no two patient populations are the same, creating a plan that generates awareness among your unique patient population (or sets of patient populations) and draws them towards a first interaction is key to igniting telehealth engagement. So why are so many organizations struggling to implement telehealth programs that engage their patients? For starters, organizations are not doing the upfront work necessary to understand their unique patient population(s), therefore they are not building telehealth programs that are tailored to meet their specific needs. By using models for converting unknown consumers into patients, and utilizing telehealth systems as true population health enablers, you can design consumer awareness programs that are the right fit for your unique patient engagement challenges. In our guide, 3 Key Strategies for Telehealth Adoption, we identify strategies to help make sure your patients are adopting healthcare everywhere.

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Kate Tuttle

Kate Tuttle is a senior marketing professional with more than 13 years of marketing experience in both B2B and B2C environments. She has more than 7 years of healthcare industry experience and is passionate about technology and its impact on consumer experience.

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