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Oracle Marketing Cloud – Program Canvas versus Program Builder

If you didn’t attend Oracle’s webinar “The New Program Canvas: What Is It and How to Use it”, you missed a great event, but I captured  the highlights to share with you.

Starting yesterday Oracle is rolling out the new Program Canvas per the 484 Release.  (More release details can be found here.)

I want to make sure that all fears are alleviated… Program Builder and Program Canvas will run in tandem for a while, there is NO date for deprecating Program Builder.

What do you get with Program Canvas?

  • Runs faster – it is on the same framework that Campaign Canvas runs on (Auto Bahn)
  • No Run modes – it runs the same, so there aren’t three options to pick from to run
  • No email sending available – emails need to be sent out of Campaign Canvas
  • Listening – instead of feeders it listens to contact detail changes, and lead scoring changes
  • Data Tools – only Update Rules are supported, the others are only available in Program Builder
  • Option to have a Segment sent to the Program Canvas as a one off


What stays in Program Builder?

  • CRM Update Integration – for now, only Oracle Sales Cloud is available (Controlled Availability) to run off the new Integration App. The dates for other CRMs will come in 2017.


A few questions were asked of the Product team:

Will data be able to go between the Program Canvas and Program Builder?  Yes, as of 485 Release the functionality will be there to push contact from Program Canvas to Program Builder.

Is there a max number of Contacts per hour that can be brought into Program Canvas?  No, it is loaded in batches and there is a pipeline of contacts that gets loaded.

What is going to happen to the other Data Tools that aren’t available in Program Canvas?  Currently, they will still be available in Program Builder.  The pushing of contacts to finish off those final details will happen in the 485 Release.  Oracle is looking at other ways to manage the functionality in tools such as Match Rules, Match Deduplication, and Validation Rules.

Is there interference between Program Canvas and Program Builder?  No, they run on different framework.

Is there auditing and reporting functions for the Program Canvas?  Yes, the same Entry and Exit data is available, similar to what is in Program Builder today.  There is also the ability to see from the contact level the process flow in the contact record when looking at Activity History.

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