Recently, my colleague Shannon Sumner, a senior technical consultant with our Adobe practice, wrote a quick tutorial on how to use Grunt and Grunt plugins to compile Sass into CSS, minify the CSS, add CSS source maps, merge JavaScript files, minify the JS, and add JavaScript source maps. These terms can send any marketer over the edge!

Image Courtesy of Jon Sullivan via Wikimedia Commons
He states that in a most cases, marketers are visual people and he’s right. We want to tell the story by painting a picture of what you can do with our solutions for our clients and prospects, not focus on writing code. We need to work hand-in-hand with our developer counter-parts to help our vision come to life in digital form.
His in-depth explanation will help any developer who is launching a new site and needs real-life examples of integrating these plug-ins with Adobe Experience Manager. You can learn more from his post here: Using Front-end Technologies like Node, Grunt and Sass with AEM