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How Dramatic Shifts in Healthcare Consumerism Impact Pharma Execs

207789397-compressorIf you haven’t had the chance to bounce over to our Life Sciences technology blog, then you definitely should. My colleague and friend Marin Richeson has been posting some incredibly insightful content that can drive much thought and a lot of conversation about what’s occurring within the part of the industry where creative technology solutions are a necessity given the rigors of regulation. Plus, she makes a habit of taking content to the next level.

Case in point, you ask? Case in point I shallgive you. Last week Marin made mention of three critical themes impacting pharma execs. These include:

  1. Dramatic changes in the traditional roles and dynamics of healthcare stakeholders have fundamental implications for pharma companies.
  2. It is time to reimagine them as solutions companies, not asset companies.
  3. The technology is ready, but pharma companies must change if they are going to enable and harness it more successfully.

She then takes that first theme to the next level, which, as the case may be, is very much intrinsically tied to healthcare consumers being more informed, connected, and involved in the healthcare process.

In other words, you should definitely check out her analysis.

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Melody Smith Jones

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