Usually the Enterprise Scheduler Service (ESS) Health Check fails if the Application Stripe ESSAPP is missing. To know, if the Application Stripe does exist, please do the following:
1. Go to EM
2. Go to Domain > Security > Application Roles
Click on Application Stripe drop down list
If the ESSAPP is missing in the Application Stripe drop down list, then the ESS Health Check will fail. To resolve this issue do the following:
1. Shutdown all the servers including the Admin server.
2. Edit jps-config.xml file. You will find this file under the fmwconfig folder under the domain directory.
3. Search for and make sure the value is cn=SecurityProvider. If this value is not correct, then, the ESSAPP will not appear in the Application Stripe.
4. Restart all the servers and now you should see the ESSAPP in the Application Stripe and hopefully the ESS Health Check will pass.