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Customer Experience and Design

3 Perspectives on Healthcare Marketing


I recently attended an event in Chicago where Chris Bevolo (Author of “Joe Public II: Embracing the New Paradigm”, Melody Smith Jones (Manager, Connected Health at Perficient) and Jason Rushforth (Oracle Vice President of Industry Solutions) discussed the evolving healthcare marketing landscape.

I was pleased to see that these three individuals presented three topics that meshed into a holistic view of what is happening in healthcare marketing and what can be done to improve the relationship between providers and consumers (yes, and even patients).

Chris described the old marketing paradigm: mass advertising and promotional messages considered as the one and only approach versus the new paradigm: digital marketing and content marketing as distinct approaches. Jason talked about marketing across industries and solutions that improve marketing effectiveness. Melody approached the topic by looking at the retail marketing model and shared important data points:

  • Firms that deliver superior experiences outperformed the S&P by 30% over six years
  • Firms that deliver poor experiences under-perform the S&P by 45%
  • 86% of consumers are willing to pay more to get a better experience
  • 65% of consumers are frustrated when presented with an inconsistent experience across channels

All the speakers brought valuable and insightful perspectives on healthcare marketing:

  • Consumers binge on content – don’t start with great content and then leave the consumer wanting more – make sure your content is rich, targeted and deep
  • Four challenges – Rising consumer expectations; Continual connectivity; Organizational velocity wins; and the Abundance of consumer data
  • 82% of enterprise marketers have no synchronized view of customer data (this is true across all industries)
  • Difficult to manage and coordinate all consumer interactions across channels and digital engagements
  • Content is a difficult domain: organizations spend up to 25% of their budget on content, but 70% of that content goes unused – resulting in a broken consumer experience

The speakers summarized their presentations by relating their perspectives to healthcare marketing. I will be taking a deeper dive into each of these perspectives in future blog posts:

  • Six Keys to a digital marketing mindset
  • Five Steps to implement a 360 degree marketing strategy
  • Seven major challenges affecting health engagement – and how to overcome them

This event, hosted by Perficient and Oracle was very informative and filled with great content from three different perspectives, all driving towards a single view on healthcare marketing!

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Don Hammer

Don Hammer is a Client Executive at Perficient. He has a Masters of Medical Informatics from Northwestern University and focuses on analytics across the finance, operations, HR, consumer. patient and clinical domains.

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