When an OSB 11g project using the JCA transport is imported to JDeveloper 12c, you might see the following error.
oracle.tip.adapter.sa.impl.fw.ext.org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: Please specify a Service. Choices are:
This is one of the known issues in the project migration. You need to manually edit certain files to resolve this error. Here are the steps to resolve this issue.
1. Edit the WSDL associated with Business Service
Open the project in JDeveloper 12c and go to the Business Service. You will find the name of the WSDL under the General Configuration. In the following example, you can see the name of the wsdl is WritePubEasyProductUploadFile.wsdl
2. Change the namespace
Change the targetNameSpace, wpefile and the import namespace to http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter
Open the Abstract WSDL. You can find the name of the Abstract WSDL in the location attribute of the WSDL import tag. In the above screenshot you can see that the Abstract WSDL is WritePubEasyProductUploadFile_Abstract.wsdl. Open this abstract WSDL and edit the targetNamespace and the wpefile attributes in the WSDL definition tag to http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter. Remove the xmlns:jca=http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/wsdl/jca/ line.
3. Edit the Business Service
Open the Business service in notepad. In this example, WritePubEasyProductUploadFile.bix and change the namespace to http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter
4. Refresh the Application
Refresh the application or close and reopen the project. If it does not work, click on the Business Service and refresh it. Now, the error associated with the JCA will be resolved.
Excellent article sir…
Thank you, Suresh!
Hi Sir,
I am trying to connect a jca adapter with an mdb.
I am getting following error while trying to create a new endPoint using MessageEndpointFactory. (endPointFactory.createEndPoint())
SEVERE: Error during the acceptance of a socket request and using WorkManager scheduling –
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.abc.JCafe.mdb.AdapterRequestMessageBean_3xlvxk_MDOImpl
The mdb class name is “AdapterRequestMessageBean” but here I guess it is referencing a proxy for this mdb.
Please help.
Hello Sushant,
Could you please let me know which version of the products you are using? Is it SOA Suite 12c or OSB 12c? Is it JDeveloper 12c? Also, did you verify your jndi connection? Please make sure whether the adapter is deployed and working by going to WebLogic console > Deployments.
Hi Sir,
I was connected a socket transport on OSB It’s okie.
But when i deployed and tried to connect a socket transport on OSB 12C.Then OSB 12C raise error :
com.bea.wli.sb.transports.TransportException: No service information is registered for: ProxyService default/Socket/SocketProxy
Caused By: com.bea.wli.config.component.NotFoundException: com.bea.wli.sb.service.handlerchain.HandlerException: Expected resource of type [], found type Pipeline
Caused By: com.bea.wli.sb.service.InvalidServiceDefinitionException: com.bea.wli.sb.service.handlerchain.HandlerException: Expected resource of type [], found type Pipeline
Please help.
Hello Hungnguyen,
It looks like the adapters are not deployed correctly.
Please login to WebLogic console > deployments and check the status of all the deployments for the ones that start with Service Bus. Make sure those are deployed correctly. Post the results of those and will let you know.
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The style of Article is good, thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome!
Really Thanks For Posting Such a Useful and informative article. I would like to share this blog with my friends and Colleagues digital transformation consulting
You’re welcome Bala!
Hi Raghu,
I am facing a error which I am not able o solve after migrating one of the 11g service to 12c. We do not have any JCA adapter in our servicie but have json conversion jars.
Below is the error message
com.bea.wli.sb.pipeline.PipelineException: the value specified for binding or creation is null
Could you please help? what might be he cause of the issue?