As a member of senior management, you undoubtedly know that having a clinical trial management system (CTMS) streamlines and simplifies the running of clinical trials, and that Oracle’s Siebel Clinical (Siebel CTMS) offers an extensive list of features. But, as a Clinical Executive, what you might not know is exactly how it would make YOU more productive and efficient. Curious? Give yourself a minute and a half (I timed it!), and read on.
As a Clinical Executive, you don’t have time for details. All you need is a finger on the pulse of your clinical programs at all times. Siebel CTMS gives you exactly that.
All of the records in Siebel CTMS are built on this structure:
Program > Protocol > Country (involved in the study) > Site > Subject > Subject Visit
This hierarchy allows the data from the lower levels to roll uphill…right to you! Siebel CTMS aggregates site and subject statistics, as well as financial data, all the way up to you, so that you only have to look in one place to see everything you care about. No more waiting on others to pull together the information you need.
Want more detail? You can always “drill down” in the hierarchy via hyperlinks to see what’s underneath.
Need to slice and dice the data? You have the power to create ad hoc reports using Siebel CTMS’ query functionality. You can also export any list view to Excel, if you prefer working with the data there.
Have questions that you need answered regularly? You can create and save queries just for you.
Siebel CTMS makes it easy with its hierarchical design, and Perficient’s Siebel CTMS accelerator, ASCEND, makes it extra useful with all of the additional data it tracks and rolls up.
To learn more about Siebel CTMS or Perficient’s ASCEND CTMS, contact us. To make life even easier, integrate Siebel CTMS with your EDC system and ERP system to have the most current information available to you at all times.