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Life at Perficient

A Career Lesson from First Grade Soccer

Contributed by Eric Osterman
This week, students across the country return to school and start taking part in their fall activities. Many kids enjoy football, marching band, cheerleading or other activities, but the big event at my house is the start of 1st grade girls’ soccer. Or perhaps it could better be described as “a loose interpretation of professional soccer combined with amateur ballerinas in a rugby scrum.”
A Career Lesson from First Grade SoccerAs I watched my daughter’s team play, I noticed an interesting trend among the young players. They kick the ball at the goal once, and pause to allow the goalie to pick up the ball. I’ve been encouraging my daughter to “keep kicking” after that first attempt. But my reasons for that go beyond the desire for more goals scored this season. If she applies the “keep kicking” principle to her schoolwork and eventually her career, she’ll achieve much greater success and reward.
At Perficient, we value a “keep kicking” mindset. Developers need to refine code on custom development projects, business development executives can’t accept rejection after the first time being sent to voicemail, and creative teams may have their projects sent back for revisions. Whatever stage in the game you’re at with your career, look for the opportunity to “keep kicking” and achieve your goals!

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Eric Osterman

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