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Yammer Analytics – Basic Reports

Yammer contains some basic standard reports to help you understand the status of your Enterprise Social Network. These reports are available in the Apps section of Yammer in both the ‘freemium’ and enterprise versions.
Yammer AnalyticsFrom the Apps Directory, find the My Apps section, which is just below the Featured Apps section. In here you will find two important links among any of the other applications you may have previously used, Analytics and Leaderboards.


The first report is for your network Analytics. At the top is a selector for the timeframe of the information displayed in the report. The options are last 7 or last 28 days. The following sections are included in the report.

Overview: a quick pulse of the network. Shows the Likes, Members, Messages, Files and Notes added to your network.

Members: shows member engagement. Engagement is measured as any form of network activity, including posts, replies, likes, expanding a post or viewing group feed. A graph and a comparison to the previous time period is included so you can determine if you are trending in the right direction. New members and total members all time are also listed.

Messages: number of messages posted on the network. Information about private, group and total all time messages are also broken out for view.

Groups: displays the number of active groups with a graph to show this over time. Additional information about new groups, public, private and total number of groups is included.

Top Public Groups: a listing of the top 5 groups based on the messages posted. Displays the messages and number of people creating these posts.

Files: number of files uploaded in this period, with a graph to show the change over time. Also lists the number of file views and total files uploaded.

Notes: number of notes created in this period and the graph for the visual. Notes edited, viewed and total are also broken out.

Access: this section has bar graphs and pie charts showing how your Yammer network is accessed and what applications they use to post messages. You can also view a pie chart of the types of mobile clients accessing the network.

There is a great deal of data here even in these standard reports to help understand the health of your network. Using this data in combination with related information from other internal systems or business outcomes can help demonstrate the value of Yammer and working socially.


The Leaderboards report is usually right next to the Analytics link. This report also displays a list of sections showing the top 3 people for a number of network engagement related measures and can be expanded to show up to 10 members. Each individual measure can be selected to display results for the last 24 hours, 7 days, 28 days, or All Time. The measures included in the leaderboard report are listed below.

Most Liked Members: total number of likes for each member across all of their posts.

Most Replied to Members: total number of replies for each member across all of their posts.

Members with the Most Posts: total number of posts for each member.

Most Replied to Conversations: the conversation with the most replies. This also includes a link to the conversation.

Conversations with the Most Participants: the conversation with the most unique participants. This also includes a link to the conversation.

While the analytics reports provide a picture of your network health overall, the leaderboards provide can help you understand how people are engaging on your network. Who are your influencers? What content or information drives the most response from your network? You can use this report to drive engagement by conducting contests and rewarding the members at the top of the leaderboards at the end of a specific period of time.
It is important to note that the data displayed in these reports is specific to the currently selected network. If you have access to an External Network, like the YCN, and access the reports while in that network, the reports will show that network’s data.
Both of these reports are a great first step to understanding network health and how to continue to influence it.

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