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Digital Transformation

Optimizing Experiences Using IBM TeaLeaf

IBM Tealeaf is a tool that can help you optimize customer experiences with your website.  Here are a couple of examples of where Tealeaf can be used:

  • A customer has an issue with the website and calls your service center for help.  Rather than have the customer relive the poor experience, Tealeaf allows the CSR to see what happened and take corrective action.
  • Customers are not responding to your marketing offers.  They get part-way through the desired interaction, but don’t finish.  Use Tealeaf to see what users are doing on the site and maybe discover an error popping up.

Tealeaf screen shot

With Tealeaf you can passively capture all actions, all interactions, and all customer experience obstacles.  Since Tealeaf is passive, you don’t have to alter your code to start working with it.

Here are some results that Forrester found with Tealeaf:

  • 3.5% increase in conversion rates
  • 1% improvement in customer retention rates
  • 80% reduction in investigative time
  • 249% ROI
  • 7.3 months payback

Tealeaf also includes built-in analytics, including a Struggle Score.  Here you can tweak the analytics to alert you when Tealeaf perceives a customer is struggling.  Using the analytics, you can drill down into the data and find out who succeeded vs failed in attempting an interaction.

You can also set up “known obstacles” so you can track specific problem areas.  Say you have a known issue with a recent update, but its not bad enough to fix it right away.  These known problems can then be separated from “unknown obstacles” so you can identify new, unknown issues.

Oh, and all this works with mobile web clients too. You can track zooms, swipes, pinches and more. If you have mobile apps, you can use a Tealeaf SDK to integrate Tealeaf capabilities into the app itself.

Data entered by the user is stored in a secure way by Tealeaf and sensitive information can be obfuscated for specific roles of people who need to access the user data.

Finally, you can use the analytics provided by Tealeaf to assess the impact to your business.  This can help prioritize issues, or help sell the need to address problems.

Tealeaf really provides a lot of insight into your website that traditional web analytics tools can’t match.

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Mark Polly

Mark Polly is Perficient's Chief Strategist for Customer Experience Platforms. He works to create great customer, partner, and employee experiences. Mark specializes in web content management, portal, search, CRM, marketing automation, customer service, collaboration, social networks, and more.

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