Perficient recently worked with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) to re-launch its comprehensive HIV progress information hub, The result of this pairing is a sustainable, scalable website that is already increasing community engagement and raising awareness for AIDS vaccine research and development.
Here is an excerpt from the case study describing the solution:
Perficient worked closely with IAVI to provide the technical infrastructure for the new website, implementing a manageable platform with advanced search functionality and enterprise content management capabilities. Through the reorganization and restructuring of content, Perficient and IAVI ensured that the site’s functionality better reflects its messaging. Recognizing that intuitive navigation is imperative to the success of, Perficient used custom-developed mega-menus to give users an intuitive overview of the site’s information architecture while providing quick access to the most relevant information.
The new solution streamlines the content management process, allowing employees to be more efficient and the website’s content more up to date. While the prior site had a large amount of static HTML, the new site uses managed metadata to drive content. This significantly reduces the manual effort once required. Through an improved workflow and the reduction in manual efforts, IAVI can effectively shorten time-to-market for content. Content managers are able to post more current content in less time.
To learn more about the deployed solution and the resulting business value of IAVI’s implementation of SharePoint, read the full case study.