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Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 Released to MSDN

It’s a very exciting day for Microsoft today as they release the RTM versions of both Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 to MSDN – Official communication came from the Windows App Developer Blog, here. Both releases are pivotal to Microsoft’s core business and will truly change the way that people interact with their desktop… I’m sorry device. As well as the way that developers create software.
Microsoft has bet the farm on Modern UI (the UI formerly known as Metro) and for good reason. The refreshed UI is not only beautiful and functional it separates Microsoft from its competition. No other platform developers are changing such key functionality like the Start Menu (Windows Button?) something users have known since 1995. Nothing is safe in this day of change and Microsoft recognized that just because something works, does not mean it is the right answer. The new UI may take a little getting used but after you use Windows 8 for a few hours tell me you miss that dated Start Menu and I’ll make sure to find Clippy to help you navigate Windows 8.
Joking aside, it’s a new day and it’s time for a new way to interact with your device. The next few months will be exciting as the new UI is released to the masses. I know that this release will go down in history for positively impacting the way that we interact with our Microsoft devices – desktops, laptops, PC, phones, and tablets.

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Tony Pagnusat

I'm a Microsoft Alliance Manager for Perficient. As the Alliance Manager I am primarily responsible for managing channel relationships including: partner identification, recruitment, development and management. In role, I cover the eastern half of the United States for Microsoft and all Microsoft related relationships. I also manage our Microsoft National Systems Integrator relationship.

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