With general availability of Office365 in the horizon, new features are being activated every day. One such long-awaited feature is activating users via Powershell instead of from the portal site. To do so follow these steps:
Download the MSOL services module from here: http://onlinehelp.microsoft.com/en-us/Office365-enterprises/ff652560.aspx
Connect to office 365 with following commandlets
- $cred = get-credential (enter your Office365 administrator credentials when prompted)
- Connect-msolservice –credential $cred
To view the available licenses:
For the entire company, run the command: Get-msolsubscription | select skupartnumber, totallicenses | ft –autosize
For a particular user, run the command: get-msoluser –userprincipalname “UPN of user” | select licenses, islicensed | fl
Assign a license for a user with the command: set-msoluserlicense –userprincipalname “UPN of user” –addlicenses “name of license”
This of course can be scripted to assign licenses in mass with import-csv command.
It’s also possible to assign licenses granularly to just a specific product like Sharepoint or Exchange with the command new-msollicenseoptions. For example to grant all licenses except the Office license: