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New Search Query Capabilities

SharePoint Search 2010 offers new query capabilities that were not available in SharePoint 2007. Some of the new capabilities added are not ground breaking as most of them can be found right now somewhere on CodePlex or are available for sale by third parties. But, it’s exciting to have those new functionalities finally as part of SharePoint out-of-the-box. Reality is that sometimes, it’s difficult and risky to use code at a customer coming from CodePlex or somewhere else as it might have a too big of an impact on their environment.

Boolean query syntax: Now users can use Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT when searching.

Wildcard query syntax: Users can also match a wildcard at the end of a text string. For example, "Fla*" matches "Flag", "FlagB" and "FlagA".

Query suggestions: As users type in keywords in the search box, suggestions in a drop down will start to appear. The Search Box web part is allowing to configure the query suggestions:

An asynchronous web service call to the ‘GetQuerySuggestions’ method is made and the resulting found query suggestions are displayed in a drop down list.

This new feature is also not available on SharePoint 2007 out-of-the-box but this can be done using JavaScript and the search web service. Jan Tielen made just that using the Jquery library, he posted the code on his blog.

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