Provisioning lookup site columns cannot be done through CAML alone. I have seen claims that it could be done (see but I was never able to make it work when the column to lookup is not “Title” or when it resides on the list in a different SPWeb.
I also saw methdos on the web that suggeest a combination of CAML and an object model but they seem akward and somewhat kludgy (see Although, if you MUST use CAML for whatever reason they are your only choice. Plus they work :).
As far as I am concerned, if you can avoid CAML and use object model in a feature receiver, you are better off since you get normal debugging and no limitations of CAML.
Here is a little helper method I created that creates a lookup column for you:
public static SPFieldLookup CreateLookupSiteColumn(SPWeb web, string fieldName, Guid lookupListGuid, string lookupFieldName, Guid lookupWebGuid)
//create a field and save it
string name = web.Fields.AddLookup(fieldName, lookupListGuid, lookupWebGuid, true);
SPFieldLookup lookup = (SPFieldLookup)web.Fields.GetField(name);
lookup.Group = groupName;
lookup.LookupField = lookupFieldName;
return lookup;
As always, if you see any mistakes or inaccuracies in this blog, please let me know.