While implementing a couple SCR solutions, I noticed a common error I have seen while reviewing the copy status of a SCR source and target Exchange 2007 server. I noticed this problem while monitoring the health of a SCR configuration, as an example, run the following command:
Ø Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus –Identity <SourceServerStorageGroup> –StandByMachine <TargetServer> | FL
If you see storage group copy status showing “Failed” instead of “Healthy”, and SCR was functioning properly in the past, check to ensure all services are running properly on both servers. I’ve seen this problem a couple times and every time I have reviewed this problem it appeared to be the replication service not running or needed to be restarted. Our most recent experience has been with Exchange 2007 SP1 – Rollup 3, in which the services would not start and a work-around needed to be applied to start these services. This work-around can be located at: Exchange Server 2007 managed code services do not start after you install an update rollup for Exchange Server 2007