This is a common scenario: someone calls you, and wants to speak to a co-worker of yours. Since you know that the co-worker is not in, you would like to transfer the caller to your co-worker’s VoiceMail. But you don’t want to transfer, have it ring 4 times, then go to VM. You want to transfer directly into VM. It would be great to be able to do this:
- Hit transfer
- Dial * then the 4 digit extension of the user you are trying to transfer to
- Hit transfer to put the caller through to the VM box
Here’s the good news: it can be done!
Below is how to set it up in CallManager and Exchange UM (well, it’s really just a function of CallManager… this works with CallManager and Unity, too).
Note: in the following, I am assuming that you aren’t already using * for anything in CCM.
First, go to call manager and create a new voicemail profile:
- Give it a handy name like "Direct2VM"
- Pick the VM pilot that your normal VM users use
- Make the VM mask XXXX (4 Xs)
- Do not check "make this the default profile" – you will be very sad if you do this
- Save it
Next, go to call manager and create a new CTI route point like this:
Make sure to give the route point the same calling search space that you give your normal users’ phones.
Then add a line (line 1) to the route point like this:
Notice that
- the Directory number is an asterisk (*) followed by XXXX.
- Also note that it is in the same partition as all your user’s extensions.
- I’ve assigned my new "Direct to VM" profile
- And, VERY IMPORTANT, make sure that you check the "forward all" box to send calls directly to VoiceMail.
That should be it.
You can test by picking up your phone, dialing * then your extension. It should go right to your own VM. Next, test it by having someone call you. Hit transfer, dial *1234 (where 1234 is someone’s extension), then hit transfer again.