I was having a discussion with a coworker this morning and we were talking about the memory leak issues within MOSS. We believe the memory leak has something to do with the content query web part. This blog site has a ton of CQWP’s and the application pool that hosts this site grows out of control.
Because of this I wanted to figure out how to restart the Application Pool and not all of IIS. I found this command on the internet to restart only Application Pools.
%windir%system32cscript.exe c:windowssystem32iisapp.vbs /a "App Pool Name" /r
If you have a memory leak on your Application Pools you may want to try to run this. It will keep from kicking off your users but will reduce the size of your worker processes. Keep in mind that your Application Pools will need to warm up so it will take a few seconds to display the page.