The classic naming convention of SharePoint 2003 (PortalName_Prof, PortalName_Serv and PortalName_Site) is no longer applicable to SharePoint 2007. What used to reside under “_PROF” and “_SERV” databases now resides under Shared Services Database in SharePoint 2007. All content of “_Site” database is moved to content database in SharePoint 2007.
In my test install of MOSS, I found out that MOSS install actually created 6 databases altogether (including all content, configuration and shared services databases).
Here is the Mapping of SharePoint 2003 Core Content Tables to SharePoint 2007 Core Content Tables.
SharePoint 2003 (SPS) SharePoint 2007 (MOSS)
Sites Sites
Webs Webs
Lists AllLists
UserData AllUserData
The Site table contains information about SharePoint site collections. Information such as Site Collection Owner, Full URL, Site Collection ID, and 2nd contact information is stored in this table.
Webs table contains information on SharePoint Web Sites.
AllLists table contains information of SharePoint lists such as list’s name, list’s description and list’s item count.
AllUserData contains information on Built-in fields (version, author, editor, etc…) and custom fields. AllUserData is a very wide table with almost 200 columns.
Note: Direct database access and modification is not supported by Microsoft, so use the SharePoint Object Model whenever possible.
Some Examples:
Id, — Site Collection ID
OwnerId, — relates to tp_ID in UserInfo table
TimeCreated, — Time this Site Collection was created.
RootWebId — WebId of top level site in Site Collection
Id, — Web Site’s WebID
SiteId, — Site Collection’s ID
FullUrl, — relative url of site from main SharePoint site.
ParentWebID, — Web Site’s Parent’s WebID
Title, — Title of Web Site
TimeCreated, — Time this Web Site was created.
Description, — Description
MasterUrl — Master Page Url.
tp_WebId, — Web Site’s ID
tp_ID, — List ID
tp_Title, — Title
tp_Created, — Time list created.
tp_ItemCount — Count of items in List