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Posts Tagged ‘web content manager’

Sitecore Rebrands CEP and Partners with MongoDB for Analytics

This past week Sitecore made some announcements regarding their CXM platform.  First up, Sitecore is changing the name of the product from Customer Engagement Platform (CEP) to Sitecore Experience Platform.  I sat through a partner briefing about this and still don’t have a clear picture of why the name change.  But maybe this new name allows […]

Multifaceted Search using IBM Web Content Manager

Maria Rauba from Asponte presented how she implemented a multifaceted search using IBM Web Content Manager in Portal.  Faceted search is an often requested feature and is not something that comes out of the box in WCM.  Components used: Custom JSP Custom Search Seedlist WCM Search component Custom Javascript The HTML Form contains the custom […]

What's coming in WebSphere Portal and WCM

Rob Will, Chief Architect at IBM, presented the future vision for Portal and WCM today.   He started out talking about how the concept of customer experience has been evolving over the past few years.  A core shift has been to enable non-technical users to do more and more with less reliance on IT. A slight […]

What’s coming in WebSphere Portal and WCM

Rob Will, Chief Architect at IBM, presented the future vision for Portal and WCM today.   He started out talking about how the concept of customer experience has been evolving over the past few years.  A core shift has been to enable non-technical users to do more and more with less reliance on IT. A slight […]

IBM Content Template Catalog 4.1

IBM has been hard at work updating their Content Template Catalog (CTC) for WebSphere Portal and Web Content Manager.  CTC is a collection of content templates, pages templates, content, site builder and editing tools that greatly improves the usability of IBM’s Web Content Manager. In the video shown here, IBM demonstrates the new features available […]

Using WebSphere Portal 8 for Content Targeting

Mark Polly, Director of Portals and Social Business at Perficient, recently wrote a blog post about Content Targeting in WebSphere Portal 8. Content targeting is a hot topic in marketing circles these days.  Actually content targeting has always been a hot topic, but many content management systems didn’t support it or made it too difficult […]

Content Targeting in WebSphere Portal 8

Content targeting is a hot topic in marketing circles these days.  Actually content targeting has always been a hot topic, but many content management systems didn’t support it or made it too difficult to implement.  IBM WebSphere Portal has long included the concept of content targeting through its personalization engine.  But, in the past, IBM […]

Digital Asset Management in IBM Customer Experience Suite

In May of this year, I blogged about IBM’s then up-coming Digital Asset Management integration with MediaBeacon.  IBM  started shipping that product on June 18, 2013 via electronic distribution and July 12 via CD.  You can see the official announcement letter for details. Here is a demo of MediaBeacon working directly with IBM Web Content […]

Advanced Performance Tuning for WebSphere Portal

Every customer I’ve worked with expects portal to perform well as it should.  This inevitably requires tuning throughout every aspect of the solution deployed.  There are a lot of knobs to turn, levers to pull and buttons to push during the tuning phase ranging from caching to pooling to JVM settings and much more.  The […]

Keep Your WCM Project On Track – Mobile First

Even highly experienced teams who adopt Mobile First practices can still “fall off the wagon”. In a recent post, I discussed 5 Things Project Managers Can Learn From Their First WCM Project. This post expands on one of those topics in more detail: the importance of Mobile First and Responsive Design. Your project is more likely to […]

IBM Connect: Social CMO

Michael Porter (@porteronportal) and Saren Sakurai (@saren) of Perficient spoke at the last day of IBM Connect 2013.  The title of the talk is the Social CMO: Engaging the Consumer.  The goal of digital marketing is the right message to the right audience at the right time on the right device. 4 primary objectives of […]

Florida Blue: Maximizing ROI with WebSphere Portal

Lisa Crawford from Florida Blue (formerly Blue Cross Blue Shield of FL) presented an excellent session at IBM Connect 2013 on the evolution of their portal platform and the ROI they have received over they years.  I’ve worked with Lisa on a number of projects and the work she leads implementing IBM solutions is one […]

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