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Posts Tagged ‘portals’

Telehealth and the “Digital Divide”

The use of telehealth and mobile health technologies is booming. From diabetes apps to virtual visits on patient portals, technology is providing a cost-effective and convenient way for patients and healthcare providers to connect and work together towards the goal of better health. Evidence from the Miami Project, which studied the use of patient portals […]

Perficient Podcast: Health IT and the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Health IT and the Doctor-Patient Relationship This is the last in our series of interviews with Dr. Nanette Nuessle. In this interview, we discussed the technologies Dr. Nuessle uses as a concierge physician. This discussion evolved into an discourse over whether healthcare technology helps or hinders the important relationship between patients and physicians. Dr. Nuessle […]

When the Simple Becomes Difficult: Measure 12 of Meaningful Use Stage 1

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) introduced in early 2009 provides reimbursement incentives for Medicare and Medicaid to physician and hospital providers who meet the requirements of implementing “meaningful use” with an electronic medical record (EMR) or electronic health record (EHR) certified system. The reimbursements start in October 2011 and continue through 2015 with […]

Riding the ACO Reg Rollercoaster: Administration Offers New Path

Opinions and posturing on the Accountable Care model started well before the release of the proposed regs over a month ago. However, since their release those of us working within the healthcare industry have been riding the rollercoaster of public sentiment. The enthusiasm around the regs was immediate upon their release. Blogs, Twitter, and online […]

Why Portal?

I’m working with a new client who is asking “Why Portal?”  I checked our archives and my colleague Mike Porter posted a blog entry a couple of years ago on the many features common in portals (See Why a Portal).  But Mike’s post did not answer this particular client’s question.  What I needed was a […]

At #IBMExperience This Week: Meaningful Use Requires an Amped Up Web Presence

Web experience is becoming increasingly important within the healthcare space. Web portals, both traditional and mobile, have already gained center stage in the marketing and communication strategies that healthcare organizations create for both patients and affiliated physicians. However, rules around medical record reporting under meaningful use are creating further need for organizations to amp up […]

Recomended Sessions for IBM’s Excellent Web Experience Conference.

Excellent Web Expericnce Conference Must Attend Sessions For anyone attending IBM’s Excellent Web Experience Conference 5/16-5/19 in Orlando, FL, Perficient is presenting at three sessions including two with customers. TECH-B21 – You did What?  Avoid the Unacceptable and Make it Exceptional Tuesday, May 17th at 3:15 in conference room Ireland A Glenn Kline, Technical Director, […]

Recomended Sessions for IBM's Excellent Web Experience Conference.

Excellent Web Expericnce Conference Must Attend Sessions For anyone attending IBM’s Excellent Web Experience Conference 5/16-5/19 in Orlando, FL, Perficient is presenting at three sessions including two with customers. TECH-B21 – You did What?  Avoid the Unacceptable and Make it Exceptional Tuesday, May 17th at 3:15 in conference room Ireland A Glenn Kline, Technical Director, […]

Perficient Podcast: Social Media Transforms Healthcare Delivery

Social Media Transforms Healthcare Delivery Welcome to the first Perficient Podcast! I look forward to using this channel more in the future to open the lines of communication on today’s most important Health IT topics. This podcast is the first in a series of interviews with Dr. Nanette Nuessle. In this interview, we spoke about […]

WCM + ECM Portal Strategy

I came across this article: ECM + WCM = Your Portal Strategy by Kimberly Samuelson. I might be jaded or maybe its because I work so closely with capital-p Portals, but I can’t agree that a portal strategy consists of simply blending Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Web Content Management (WCM).  To me a Portal […]

Inviting Patients into the Healthcare Conversation

Under pressure from healthcare reform, many healthcare organizations are focused on legal and financial issues as opposed to the redesign of clinical care. Ironically, data from IHI shows that healthcare organizations achieve lower costs when they put the highest emphasis on the entire healthcare system that patients use to receive care. By incorporating the critical […]

Physician Loyalty: What Hospitals Can Learn from Pharma

Traditional definitions of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) relate to the process that manages an organization’s relationships with customers and selectively retains the most profitable customers in order to increase profitability through meaningful communication. CRM is essentially a one-to-one marketing mechanism that uses IT tools, like databases and portals, to develop and manage the relationship that […]

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