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Posts Tagged ‘Office 365’

Reflections on Gratitude: Partners In Health (Part 1 of 5)

What are you grateful for? At Perficient, we’re thankful for everything our partners do in the field to improve and save lives. This week, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the work of Partners In Health, an organization that provides healthcare services and resources to the most impoverished and underserved regions around the world. […]

Microsoft Launches “Microsoft Teams” Collaboration Workspace

Earlier this week, Microsoft announced the launch of Microsoft Teams, a new feature of Office 365. The chat-based collaboration service is available for preview now and is expected to be delivered in Q1 2017.

The Intranet in the Age of BYOD

Think back to your childhood, we all had that parent, teacher, aunt, or uncle who’s answer was always NO! Until recently this was the answer of most IT organizations when it came to bringing your own device to the table. Can I get my email on my phone? No! Can I access the intranet from […]

New Skype for Business Client Released for macOS!

Great news for enterprise Mac users – this week, out of Redmond: the new Skype for Business client for macOS has been released and is available for download! If you’re a business Mac user (or if you support Mac users), and currently use Lync Server, Skype for Business Server, or Skype for Business Online as […]

Say “Goodbye” to !UNINVITED! Attendees in Skype for Business

I wanted to highlight some welcome news about the Skype for Business Online PSTN conferencing service that was announced late this summer, and discussed in greater detail during several of the deep-dive sessions at Microsoft Ignite 2016 this past week in Atlanta, GA.  In short, the PSTN conferencing service is getting even better, more flexible, […]

New Skype for Business Online Functionality Announced at Ignite

There’s a wealth of exciting information being presented at Ignite 2016 – news about emerging Skype for Business Online features is no exception!  Corporate VP Gurdeep Pall addressed attendees during Monday’s Skype for Business keynote, discussing a number of coming advancements in the Microsoft unified communications space including the newly designed Skype for Business client […]

Overcoming the Hurdles to Intranet Adoption

Like most people I’ve been swept up in Olympic fever, each night dutifully recording the coverage so that I can fast forward through the commercials. There have been many historic moments in the Olympic Games but the USA men’s and women’s hurdlers have provided some of the most exciting. For the first time ever the […]

Getting Access Tokens for both SharePoint and Microsoft Graph

A few days ago, I was working on a project and needed to know if it was possible to access a user’s Exchange Online calendar using the same access token used to access list data in one of their SharePoint Online site collections. The Microsoft documentation is confusing due to the rapid pace of change […]

Office 365 – How To Import PSTs From Azure Storage Via PowerShell

It’s been over a year since Microsoft started previewing the “PST Import Service” which allowed administrators to import PSTs into Exchange Online mailboxes. The blog post I wrote (“Office 365 – Using the New PST Import Service“) about the service back in May 2015 has been incredibly popular which tells me there’s a high amount […]

You Don’t Mow Your Own Lawn. Why Manage Your Own Intranet?

Living in Atlanta, GA, I know a little bit of something about heat and humidity. When the pollen count is up and the temperature is registering 95°F in the shade, the last thing I want to be doing is mowing the grass. This wasn’t always the case; as a teenager, I earned spending money and later gas […]

Office 365 – Have You Enabled “Common Attachment Blocking”?

Anyone who works with Office 365 knows that there is no shortage of new features rolling out, the pace at which new functionality is made available definitely keeps you on your toes. Part of what inspired me to develop is that I wanted to know more about when features progressed through the various stages […]

5 Reasons to consider Intranet as a Service

Within our Microsoft Practice we spend a lot of time and energy focused on creating great Intranet and Portal experiences for our customers. Over the last 10 years SharePoint has become the defacto platform of choice for Intranets in the enterprise as evidenced by the Nielsen Norman Best Intranets of 2016 awards where 9 out […]

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