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Posts Tagged ‘Office 365’

Managing the Skype Client UI in Skype for Business

With Microsoft officially announcing that they will be upgrading Office365 to utilize the Skype for Business back-end, administrators will need to begin to take actions to prepare themselves and their users for the impact of this update. Note: Since Skype for Business (hereafter, S4B) hasn’t been released to GA yet, this information is still pre-release […]

Office 365 – Microsoft’s “Cloud-First” Strategy In Action

For the past year, we’ve heard Satya Nadella’s “cloud-first, mobile-first” vision from Microsoft. Some joke that they both can’t be “first” but let’s just call it priority “1A” and “1B”. I see it every day in Office 365. Exchange Online has nearly a bi-weekly addition of features while the on-premises version lags behind. It makes […]

Webinar: How the Microsoft Cloud Helps @PIH Improve Global Health

Many nonprofits (and certainly other organizations as well) would likely share the same sentiment as Partners In Health (PIH) – due to the mission at hand, resource allocation, more often than not, prioritizes the needs of people over systems. It’s not all that surprising that this can lead to disbanded communication systems. Systems that, over […]

New Additions to the Office 365 Family

I’ll keep this post short and sweet in honor of Friday! Now if you are an avid follower of Microsoft, you got to agree that the most fascinating news (other than stock news) about the company is their shift to the cloud with platforms and products like Azure and Office 365. With so much exciting […]

Office 365 – How to Update Address Lists in Exchange Online

Address Lists are a way to create an additional “view” within the Global Address List (GAL) based on a set of mailboxes attributes. As an example, perhaps you want to create a view for everyone with the “Office” of “Headquarters”. This new Address List would appear as an additional dropdown in both Outlook and OWA. […]

On-Premises Claims Authorized SharePoint and Hybrid Apps in Azure

I recently needed to deploy a SharePoint-hosted App that would work in both SharePoint Online and On-Premises. My client had an Azure license, and we are hosting the App there. Now, how to get the On-Premises farm to work with my App? I started by reading this MSDN article on the subject. This article had […]

How Delve Makes your Life Easier!

For some time now Microsoft has been working on an intelligent fabric- machine learning. This algorithm is (now more than ever) becoming an integral part of many new platforms and products, especially office graph which powers the new Office app called “Delve”. Delve is part of the Office 365 suite and is available for all […]

Office 365 – Common Exchange Online Hybrid Mail Flow Issues

Exchange Hybrid, when configured properly, can provide almost seamless coexistence between Exchange Online and your on-premises Exchange environment. Part of this concept is that while you technically have two separate Exchange organizations, the mail flow between these organizations appears “internal” so that a message from a cloud user looks no different than a message from […]

Office 365 – Two Azure AD Premium Features Coming To All Subscribers

The Office 365 Roadmap can be a bit of a treasure hunt at times. It’s great that Microsoft provides transparency into what is planned or in progress but figuring out when the roadmap has changed or what has changed on it can be a bit of a challenge. I noticed that the roadmap was updated […]

Office 365 – Microsoft’s Proactive Notification of User Issues

You would think that after working in technology for around 20 years, the “awe factor” would start to wear down. The fact is, I’m still amazed by some of the features that companies like Microsoft develop and how they manage to continuously push out great new functionality to their clients. With Office 365, it’s a […]

Much Awaited OneDrive for Business comes to Mac and iOS

This announcement should be music to the ears, for all the Mac and iOS diehards using Microsoft apps. Earlier I had blogged about an interim solution for these devices, you can read it in my post here. Last week, Microsoft announced new ways that you can access and manage your OneDrive for Business (ODFB) files from your […]

Why governing Yammer vs. SharePoint represents an about-face

Yesterday may have been Ground Hog Day, but unlike the movie, I’m happy to report no time loop (although there was a lot of snow for some of us). Aside from the freshly fallen snow, there was also fresh new content over on CMSWire, thanks in part to my colleague Rich Wood and his article […]

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