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Posts Tagged ‘.net’

Using System Center Automation to Manage Office 365

Manage Office 365 with Microsoft System Center Service Manager, Orchestrator, PowerShell or Custom GUI. Working with office 365 projects one of the things I come across frequently is what are some of the ways to manage Office 365 from an on premise location. Up to now there has been a very limited tool set to […]

Easy Email Templates with the Razor View Engine

    I was given a task recently to have an application generate and send an email. The requirements were straight forward, the email should contain some customer information along with a list of products. My first thought was to use StringBuilder to handle the task, but something about that bothered me. In 2013, am I still […]

If at First you Don’t Succeed: Using the Windows Azure Model

With the recent movement from preview to release of features such as Virtual Machines and Networking (along with a promise to match any price drops from Amazon’s AWS offering), Microsoft’s Windows Azure has been getting a lot of attention lately. One of the keys to the success of the product has been the cost at which […]

Test Document Generator

Many of the projects I do have some form of document management in them. Whether developing demos or features around document management it is often necessary to have test documents. Most of the actual word documents I generate for my role are around sales or feature documentation and have a bit of proprietary information within […]

Don’t miss the Global Windows Azure Bootcamp

I know that in my last post I promised my next post would be focused on getting runtime information from your application, but I really felt that it was important to share an event that’s coming up in a couple of weeks (I really will get around to writing the post I intended next). April […]

Forrester Research Doc names Sitecore as Strong Performer in WCM!

Forrester Research, Inc. recently released a document where they evaluate 10 of the strongest performers in the Web Content Management space.  They name Sitecore as a strong performer in the space because of their suite approach to WCM / Digital Marketing capabilities that allow a Content Author or marketers one interface for both content management […]

Dealing with exceptions in .NET applications

One of the more frustrating things to deal with when supporting a production application is “flying blind” when trying to determine what went wrong and how to fix it.  In today’s post, I will discuss some commonly used techniques for handling exceptions in .NET code that prevent visibility into the real source of error and […]

Sitecore consultant Jamie Stump is an MVP in more ways than one

One of my colleagues at Perficient was recognized today by our partner, Sitecore. Jamie Stump, a developer, consultant and blogger here, was named a 2013 Sitecore Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Sitecore describes the MVP program in this way: The Sitecore MVP program recognizes individuals for their active participation within the Sitecore community, sharing knowledge and […]

Quick Survey for 2010

MSDN has a neat web part you can use for polls – Quick Surveys. Unfortunately the link to read more leads to an error. Since I had to figure out what might have been at that mysterious location, I figured I’d document the findings. I made some minor updates to the code to work a […]

Lookup field with Custom Display Text in SharePoint 2010

Let’s say you want to create a SharePoint lookup field where the dropdown options display something other than title of the lookup item… If the field you want to show is a single line of text type, then you’re in luck! Here’s an example of how straighforward it is. However, if you want to be able to […]

No Surprises

When I’m not delving into Microsoft technologies, I enjoy making music. A Christmas gift that I received turned out to be an unlikely trigger to make me think about usability. That gift was a book with transcriptions of some popular sax solos and included Money by Pink Floyd. This song is a bit unique in […]

New Year’s Resolution for Users of Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Have you made your New Year’s Resolution around Microsoft Dynamics CRM? Well it is that time of year again to set New Year’s Resolutions for all of us. According to the top New Year’s Resolutions are: Drink Less Alcohol Eat Healthy Food Get a Better Education Get a Better Job Get Fit Lose Weight […]

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