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Posts Tagged ‘innovation’

iTunes + iCloud. From the Multi-Channel Mouths of Jobs

“Keeping these devices in sync is driving us crazy,” Mr. Jobs said. As an iTunes user, there have been some instances where my itunes preferences have automatically reset based on various updates. I have since learned to check my preferences every single time there is an update to make sure that I don’t lose any […]

MobileMe is Dead.

  Alright. Here it is. Today’s good morning announcement. Let’s call it ‘setting expectations’. A plain language conversation with users about how to potentially (because they are still figuring it out) smoothly transition your data….in the future (this fall)…. ….iCloud subscription is actually free ONLY with OSX Lion and iOS 5 users (which requires purchase […]

Sync Everything. Store Nothing. iCloud – the New Heaven?

So with all this talk about the Apple iCloud launch today, it all sounds pretty spiffy. Especially if you know that it’s powered by Apple’s iDataCenter – which sounds like pretty powerful stuff. Pay for everything. Access everything. Store nothing! Yay No long upload times of your data to a cloud. (Currently up to 5mb […]

Your Browser is Your New Computer: Google Chrome – the New OS?

Google Chrome Notebook Order. Yours. Now? Due out on June 15th, 2011. What it is: It is a notebook that is essentially a mobile device – uses 3G, mobile data networks, wi-fi It only has the google Chrome browser installed 8 second bootup Cloud-based data storage and syncing – log in from anywhere – your […]

#IdeaNotebook: May is National Inventors’ Month

May is National Inventors’ Month. Established in 1998, this celebration of inventors and their contributions to the world had been celebrated in August until this year. The sponsors of the event – Inventors Digest, the Academy of Applied Science, and the United Inventors Association of the USA – decided that May would better coincide with the National Inventors Hall of […]

#IdeaNotebook: The best thing before sliced bread

Sliced bread is the innovation by which all innovations are measured:  “the best thing since sliced bread.” That phrase spawns the question: “What was the best thing before sliced bread?” Attempts to answer that question range from humorous to contemplative. I recently discovered another possible answer: User research! “Slice of Life” in the April 2011 […]

“Where were you when…?”: Innovation, community, and history converge

“Where were you when…” is a familiar start to discussing major recent historic events. In the wake of the news about Osama bin Laden’s death, “Where were you when you heard the news of his death?” is now being asked and discussed in many forum. I realized that for me the most apt answer is […]

Twitter: Where CIOs are finding a voice

For several years now, Perficient (@Perficient) has followed many IT professionals on Twitter, including hundreds of CIOs (many of whom are listed at on CIO Twitter Dashboard / @CIODashboard). While IT leaders make up our target market, they are also some of the most influential voices across social networks like Twitter. At many companies, these […]

Customer trust and UX SLAs: Thoughts on the Epsilon email server breach

How many notices did you receive about the Epsilon email breach that was discovered on March 30? How did the news of that make you feel toward a compromised company you do business with? Even though only email addresses were stolen, did you wonder whether you needed to worry about more than just watching for […]

IBM Impact: Opening Session

Yes, I’m a portal and collaboration guy so you may be wondering what I’m doing at a conference focused on commerce, middleware, and other plumbing.  Truth is a lot of the people interested in plumbing have a huge need for portal and collaboration so I come to support Perficient as we talk to clients about […]

Surprising Science of Motivation – watch the video

I’ve been thinking about what motivates people to do the jobs of a knowledge worker.  When I talk to companies today, most of the concern they have around collaboration is about how to empower knowledge workers.  Most knowledge workers jobs have changed.  They need to focus less on the repeatable tasks and more on the […]

Controlled Failure and UX: A Key to Innovation

In “Why Failure Drives Innovation,” Baba Shiv, Professor of Marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business writes: “Failure is a dreaded concept for most business people. But failure can actually be a huge engine of innovation for an individual or an organization. The trick lies in approaching it with the right attitude and harnessing […]

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