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Posts Tagged ‘hipaa’

Protecting Patient Data in an Interconnected Healthcare System

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. (Hippocratic Oath) I recently read an article titled, “Protect Patient Data from an Inside Job” by Phil Neray of Health Management Technology, which stated, as many news organizations have, that in 2010 healthcare organizations […]

Is Tokenization the solution for Protected Healthcare Information (PHI)?

One of my favorite things about the yearly HIMSS conference are the discussions that occur around new ways the healthcare technology community is dealing with the issues that arise as a result of increased innovation. With medical identity theft looming, issues of the transmission of personal healthcare information over the Internet or the desire to […]

3 Reasons for using a Managed Private Cloud for Interoperability

Cloud computing is a popular topic in IT circles today, and with this year’s Interoperability Showcase at HIMSS, the cloud’s impact on Interoperability will be an interesting topic of discussion. In healthcare circles, cloud computing conjures up fears for protecting private healthcare information and security concerns. There is a business case for a special type […]

“Help! We are getting a late start on 4010 to 5010 migration . . .”

If your healthcare organization is getting a late start on 4010 to 5010 migration, you are not alone. While you should be testing the new 5010 transaction sets with trading partners already, you may just now be getting budgetary funding to pursue a solution. At Perficient, we understand the challenge of catching up to meet […]

Is HIPAA 5010 Compliance making you feel like this guy?

Join us Thursday, January 27, 2011, 12:00 PM CT for HIPAA 4010A1 to 5010 Migration: Rapid Compliance with a Step-up/Step-Down Approach Register at: As part of the final rule for HIPAA 5010 implementations, CMS has defined specific milestones that help healthcare organizations evaluate their progress towards compliance. Many organizations have just now begun the […]

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