I have to say, I was very excited today as I listened to Satya Nadella describe the capabilities of the new SQL 2014 Data Platform during the Accelerate your Insights event. My excitement wasn’t tweaked by the mechanical wizardry of working with a new DB platform, nor was it driven by a need to be […]
Posts Tagged ‘Emerging BI Trends’
Qlik leadership – vision, guts and glory… hopefully
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” – Supposedly Darwin from ‘Origin of Species’… or NOT According to the most recent report from Gartner, no one vendor is fully addressing the critical space in the market […]
Three Big Data Best Practices
One of the benefits of the Hadoop is its ability to be configured to address a number of diverse business challenges and integrated into a variety of different enterprise information ecosystems. With proper planning these analytical big data systems have shown to be valuable assets for companies. However, without significant attention to data architecture best […]
QlikView… QlikTech… Qlik…
Several years ago, when I started using QlikView (QlikTech’s flagship product), I had a strong preference for more traditional BI tools and platforms, mostly because I thought that QlikView was just a visualization tool. But after some first-hand experience with the tool, any bias I had was quickly dissipated and I’ve been a QlikView fan […]
Three Attributes of an Agile BI System
In an earlier blog post I wrote that Agile BI was much more than just applying agile SDLC processes to traditional BI systems. That is, Agile BI systems need to support business agility. To support business agility, BI systems should address three main attributes: Usable and Extensible – In a recent TDWI webinar on business […]
Top 5 Best Practices for an Actionable BI Strategy
In an earlier blog post, I pointed out a number of companies complete a BI Strategy but only to shelve it shortly after its completion. One main reason is that companies let their BI Strategy atrophy by not maintaining it; however, the other main cause of shelving a BI Strategy is that it was not […]
Business Intelligence – Implementation Challenges
Business Intelligence should help organizations improve business outcomes by making informed decisions. The problem is that Business Intelligence is the overarching term applied to the tools, technologies, and best practices that that supposedly help organizations make sense of data. Where should you start? What tools should you use? What are the best practices? How do […]
The Case for Data Virtualization (aka IaaS)
I remember several years ago when I was working with a company’s CIO. His comment to me was, “Why do I need to move any data or create a data warehouse? Why can’t I just virtualize all of my operational data from its source and use it where it is? That way, I get real-time results and […]
What is Agile Business Intelligence?
Agile Business Intelligence is a term that is thrown around a lot. It is interesting to ask people “What is Agile BI.” In general, since I work with mostly technology people I get the answer like “agile BI is the application of agile SDLC methodologies like SCRUM to deliver BI capabilities to business stakeholders.” To […]
Business Intelligence – Future Trends
Business Intelligence should help organizations improve business outcomes by making informed decisions. The problem is that Business Intelligence is the overarching term applied to the tools, technologies, and best practices that that supposedly help organizations make sense of data. Where should you start? What tools should you use? What are the best practices? How do […]
Business Intelligence – What does it mean today?
Business Intelligence should help organizations improve business outcomes by making informed decisions. The problem is that Business Intelligence is the overarching term applied to the tools, technologies, and best practices that supposedly help organizations make sense of data. Where should you start? What tools should you use? What are the best practices? How do you […]
Technology Confusion
While returning from a client presentation and reflecting on the meeting conversations I was struck by a similarity that seems to be creeping into the minds of our clients. While discussing our approach to performing a strategy assessment for this new client we were reviewing an example architectural diagram and a question was raised. One […]