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Posts Tagged ‘digital marketing trends’

Facebook’s Newest Updates: How They May Impact Brands

I remember when I first learned about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, and the thought that nothing

A Baker’s Dozen: Tips for Successfully Managing Your Brand on Facebook (Part II)

I’ve collected my top 13 tips for successfully managing your brand’s Facebook presence. Yesterday, in part I of my post, I detailed my first six tips. Today I’ll share the rest. 7. Be curious: Ask questions There are two types of questions that accomplish three things. The first is fan engagement questions. They can be […]

A Baker’s Dozen: Tips for Successfully Managing Your Brand on Facebook (Part I)

Launching your brand’s Facebook page can be scary. Was it truly the right move? Will it pay off? Will anyone “like” us? Will enough people “like” us? You have the ability to make all of those answers be “yes.” If you’re asking these questions, I’m assuming you’ve already sold the value of Facebook to your […]

How Google+ Has Already Changed My Social Media Habits

As a social media specialist, I have a professional obligation to jump on board when a new platform launches. But I was skeptical of Google+. Did I really need a new social presence? I was already experiencing a little personal-brand social fatigue. But while researching Google+, something amazing happened—the circles got me. I couldn’t stop […]

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