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Posts Tagged ‘change management’

Employee Engagement Isn’t Getting Better, Here’s Why

Linkedin Pulse had a great article on a recent Gallup Survey showing employee engagement improving by 2% over the past three years. Here’s the incredible market wide statistic: only 32.1% of employees are engaged. That means 67.9% of employees aren’t engaged. While I cannot do the entire article justice (it’s one of the more informative articles […]

Employee Engagement Isn't Getting Better, Here's Why

Linkedin Pulse had a great article on a recent Gallup Survey showing employee engagement improving by 2% over the past three years. Here’s the incredible market wide statistic: only 32.1% of employees are engaged. That means 67.9% of employees aren’t engaged. While I cannot do the entire article justice (it’s one of the more informative articles […]

The Slow Adoption of Change Management

In a recent Perficient webinar, The Internal Impacts of a Digital Transformation, a real-time poll was taken on the topic of whether participants and their respective organizations had a team in place responsible for Organizational Change Management (OCM)? Not surprisingly, less than one in three did. The good news is that figure is infinitely higher […]

Change is Hard and That’s OK!

As the title states, change is hard. Most people (yes, there are a few of you out there who love and embrace change) are resistant to anything new. A recent poll of participants during a Perficient webinar on the Internal Impacts of a Digital Transformation indicated that culture changes, process changes, and other “change management” […]

#DF15: Attending the Circles of Success Breakout Sessions 

Trying to figure out what sessions to attend at Dreamforce can be one of the toughest things to do during one of the most exciting weeks of the year. And then there is just getting to the sessions on time in order to make the most of your week at this absolutely epic event. But one of my […]

89,000 employees and “one curious culture”

I was really intrigued when I heard Eric Quint introduce the scale and scope of his job on a Web Conversation by to an audience from 40 countries. We were there to hear the 3M Company’s Chief Design Officer talk about change management. For those who are not familiar with 3M, their products are found […]

“Follow the Leader” and Its Role in Successful Change Management

Last week while vacationing with my family at the beach, I came face-to-face with one of the most effective Change Management principles – people will follow the “right” people. You see, I don’t like crowds – whether it is in an airport, out at a park, or walking down a busy city street. I just […]

Leveraging Change Champions for Successful Adoption

Have you ever felt like you’re one person against the world? Or possibly you’ve been overwhelmed trying to turn the battleship single-handedly? If so, take comfort! You’re not alone. Change managers, those responsible for garnering user adoption and engagement for a new system, tool, platform or process, are challenged with motivating hundreds, thousands, or even […]

The Importance of Context in the Change Management Decision

Context is critical for any big decision, and Change Management is no different. In fact, context is more important for Change Management decisions than many others in business today. One of the biggest struggles that Change Management practitioners face is getting the buy-in from senior leadership that Change Management efforts are worth the investment. Let’s […]

The Human Element of the Digital Transformation

Technology is affording us the ability to do more with less every single day. In fact, as consumers, we’re able to do more with less, every single day, from anywhere.  In an highly electronic world, e-commerce companies are harkening us back to the old “Name That Tune” game show, priding themselves on how few clicks […]

Communications – They’re Important, Too!

How often are communications an afterthought, or a box you have to check, on your projects?  Your project’s success may be more dependent on them than you think! In my recent blogs, I’ve been focusing on the importance of answering and communicating a project’s “why” factor.  I firmly believe that this is the single most […]

It’s All About the Why

How many times have you put off doing something that you should do because there was no sense of urgency, and you thought you’d just get to it later?  If you’re like me, it happens all the time.  If we take a deeper look into why we don’t take action on those things, it’s because […]

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