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Posts Tagged ‘Apache Sling’

Desktop (1)

Clearing AEM’s JSP Cache in your Jenkins Build

AEM really likes caching you compiled JSPs. This can be a problem as you are developing code, especially when working on dependencies. Every so often you may forget to include a dependency in a bundle or include the wrong version. Because of AEM’s JSP caching, even after fixing your dependency, you may see something like […]

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FSClassLoader Now In AEM6.0 SP3

Customers and developers upgrading to AEM 6.0 SP3 will find that there’s a new bundle in use, FSClassLoader. As I described in my previous post this bundle offers superior performance as compared to the repository based classloader, however it does remove the option for developers to access the generated Java code for their JSP’s under /var/classes. Luckily, […]

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