“The Wizard of Oz” is a wonderful movie, full of metaphors that can be applied to real life. As I look at the current state of Healthcare, I can’t help but wonder if there is a true “yellow brick road” from volume based care to value based care. If there is, which stops will we […]
Dr Marcie Stoshak-Chavez

Blogs from this Author
A View From the Emergency Department Trenches
The Case for Patient Centered Medical Home, Care Coordination and Population Health Wellness The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is changing the way patients, physicians and clinicians interact with our healthcare system. At first glance, creating affordable healthcare for all is an amazing yet daunting initiative. In actuality, however, patients are now finding it difficult to […]
Two Keys for Population Health Success
Population Health management and success will drive Healthcare for the next several years as mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Value Based Purchasing (VBP), Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) and multiple other federal and state endorsed programs. Everyone is scrambling to figure out how to achieve the Triple Aim (improved quality, lower costs and better […]
The Three G’s of Mapping….Is Healthcare a Leader?
Ok, it’s true. I’m a closet geek. I think no one knows how much I love maps. (Lesli Adams, my colleague at Perficient, often describes herself as a geek so this is homage to her). There are so many different kinds of maps, so which ones do I favor, you ask? I think the best […]
Reframing the ACO Analytics Problem with Malcolm Gladwell
I just finished watching a quick slideshow on the Health Data Management website, “Enterprise Analytics: Moving on Up” and as luck would have it, I also watched several sessions of the live Webcast from the Healthcare Innovation Day Conference 2014 in Washington, DC, sponsored by West Health Institute and the Office of the National Coordinator […]
Two Keys to Success for Healthcare
Healthcare reform, ACA, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Portals, predictive analytics, pay for performance, the Triple Aim, total cost of care, patient safety….these, and many more, are the buzzwords in healthcare and medicine these days. Install this system, connect that system, run these reports, use this “intelligent program”… Do you ever wonder if we can solve all […]
If I Could Learn and Practice Medicine with Watson…
I have to admit that I was jealous when I read that my alma mater and “old training grounds,” Case Western Reserve and the Cleveland Clinic, were engaging IBM’s Watson to further clinical diagnosis, treatment, efficiency and even medical and patient education. It is the best of all worlds! Everyone could benefit from this partnership […]
Social Meets Clinical Meets Research: Big Data in Medicine
I was intrigued immediately when I read that The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York hired the former data scientist for Facebook, Jeff Hammerbacher, to develop and refine their predictive analytics capabilities. It seems like a collision of the planets! Is it possible that this social media data scientist could break the code of […]
Innovative Medical Education…Can it Save Healthcare?
Is there such a thing as “disruptive medical education”? Can traditional medical education be infused with technology, techniques and individualized learning such that it creates the next generation of enlightened and empowered physicians? I think so. Years ago, when I was enrolling in medical school at Case Western Reserve University, I felt like I was […]
The Upcoming Health Insurance Conundrum: Does Anyone Win?
Monday morning news often leaves a bit to be desired. I usually scan several newspapers or websites to see what’s out there. I was surprised to see that the Wall Street Journal had a very interesting front page article on the upcoming insurance mandates for the uninsured population of the US. This article contends that […]
Personalized Prevention…Will it ever Happen?
Google Search gives way to personalized search, but can personal search be transformed into personal prevention? That’s the premise of an interesting article written by Dr Joseph Kvedar from the Center for Connected Health, “Is the End of Search the Beginning of Personalized Prevention?” After reading this article, I have come to the conclusion that […]
Beauty Is In the Portal of the Beholder…Or Is It?
I was intrigued to review the entries for the New York eHealth Collaborative Portal Contest. Why would a physician be interested in patient portal design anyway? There are numerous reasons. First of all, I am fascinated by smart, eye-catching designs. Secondly, I believe that usability is directly related to design and this could significantly further […]