If you search for how to open a PDF file in the same browser window in Sitecore, you will certainly find plenty of help. The issue is a configuration setting that by default forces the download of all media types. Simply change the value of this configuration and you are set. When I first ran […]
Learn and Connect at Sitecore Symposium 2018
How are we nearing the end of September? Even if some of us want to deny it more than others (especially our friends up north who experience winter weather sooner than later), it’s almost October. In the Sitecore world, that means one thing. Sitecore Symposium is just about here. This year’s event is taking place […]
Sitecore 9 Solr Setup – Install the Right Version of Java
If you are like me and followed the Sitecore 9 instructions for installing Solr (not “SOLR”), you may have noticed that “Java” is a prerequisite. If you are also like me and haven’t needed Java for anything in the last 5 years, you will need to install Java. The Sitecore installation guide simply sends you […]
Vue.js Components in Sitecore Experience Editor
One of the hot JavaScript frameworks these days is Vue.js and it has started to regularly find its way into modern web and Sitecore development. At Perficient, we’re always looking to keep our customers modernized in terms of technology and have embraced Vue.js in a number of our Sitecore implementations. Vue works quite well with […]
Using the PKCS #12 (.pfx) format for Solr SSL Security
Apache Solr is based on the Java technology stack which comes with its own methods for handling certificates, specifically with the JKS (Java Key Store) file type which holds encrypted certificates for use with Java-based applications. You might be vaguely familiar with the JKS file as the installation guide for 9.0+ provided by Sitecore sends […]
Client Certificate Authentication with Solr
Securing your Solr instance is an important part of the Sitecore security hardening process. In many on-premises environments, the Solr servers are behind the firewall without the need to be publicly accessible – just accessible by the Sitecore application itself. However, with cloud-based hosting such as Azure App Services, this becomes more difficult as the […]
Custom Security Domains & Language Security Error
I recently ran into a language security error with a custom Sitecore security domain and have detailed the fix in this post. I have also provided links to a couple of other helpful resources for setting up new custom security domains. Sitecore custom security domain documentation can be found here and covers most of the steps needed […]
SOLR Spatial Search with Sitecore 9+
First and foremost, what is spatial search or geospatial search as some would say? It the functionality used in searching to search for locations based on a radius from a center point. For instance, let’s just say that I was on a Healthcare website and wanted to find all the healthcare locations within a 10 […]
August DSUG: “Forms to Riches” and “Solr Spatial Search with Sitecore 9”
The Denver Sitecore User Group returns this August 15th, 2018 for its next meetup! There will be multiple Sitecore MVPs attending, so come out for this excellent opportunity to learn something new and meet fellow developers in the community. Our Hosts and Topics Sitecore MVP Mike Reynolds will be sharing his experience customizing Sitecore 9 Forms […]
Use Search Analytics & Reporting to Boost Conversions
We all know that collecting data about how visitors search for and use content is crucial to success. While this task is easier said than done, it is possible if you properly leverage search analytics. So let’s talk about a few things you should always keep in mind when trying to increase conversions. Track Visitor […]
Use Search to Personalize Every Experience
Now that you’ve mastered the art of providing a good search foundation on your website, it’s time to build on that investment. Let’s talk about how you should be using search to personalize every experience. And don’t worry if you don’t have a search foundation down quite yet. You can always look back on our […]
Should Your Content Authoring Team All Be Sitecore Admins?
Having established roles and workflows in Sitecore makes for good governance and ensures your authoring team is supporting your content strategy. While this seems like an organizational no-brainer for larger content teams, you may wonder if smaller teams need the same level of oversight. Don’t all these formal rules and processes just get in the […]