Getting YouTube videos to PAUSE nice with each other I don’t know if YouTube had in mind for us to put more than one video on a page. It didn’t seem like it when I set out to make one player pause other videos when it was played. By the end I found that YouTube […]
Seth Broweleit

Blogs from this Author
Enable one-finger-scrolling in SP2010 for iPad and iPhone
You want your iPad users to be able to scroll your SharePoint 2010 site with one finger. It can be done with the two finger swipe but it doesn’t work as well and visitors may not know that. The solution involves using CSS to disable the – ribbon positioning system – so that the ribbon […]
Enable SP2010 nav menu for touch screen devices (like an iPad!)
SharePoint 2010 top nav problem on touch devices You may have noticed that the out of the box SP2010 site nav is not quite usable on a touch screen device like an iPad. The top nav is a list of links, to put it simply. When the links are hovered on, with a mouse, a […]
Web accessibility: Screen readers. An introduction for web developers.
Screen readers: A screen reader provides access to browsers and web sites for users with Visual Disabilities by reading information on the screen aloud. The following is a short list screen reader options for web developers to consider. If you are interested in hearing your site read try Webanywhere – an online screen reader. If […]
Dynamic Picture Library Slideshow that you can add to SharePoint 2010 site
The following code is a combo of JavaScript (jQuery) & little HTML. It can be pasted into a 2010 Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) to create a dynamic slideshow of a Picture Library. All you will need to do after pasting the code below into a CEWP is change the two items that are indicated […]
Three Options to Disable the SharePoint 2010 Mobile Redirect Sys
There are a few options for disabling the SharePoint Mobile Redirection System. Disabling the system means that browsers will not be redirected to a mobile version of the site created by SharePoint by default. This is not about how to customize the mobile view that only mobile devices would see. Modify the webconfig file Add […]
Display Top Nav Menu Items on a Second Row In SharePoint 2010 – CSS only option
This blog post is v2 of my first article about accomplishing this task of creating a second top-nav row in SharePoint 2010. That article can be found here: Make Top Nav in SharePoint 2010 display a horizontal line with menu items instead of the fly-out menu. This solution is much easier because it is done […]
Simple fixes for un-preferable behavior with wide content in SharePoint 2010 (v4.master)
Overview: A complaint about SharePoint 2007 sites is that they use TABLES for layout. TABLES make the UI less accessible, flexible, and functional – to put it simply. SharePoint 2010 was developed with todays standards of compatibility and uses DIVs and SPANs instead. Mostly this works well but I will point out an area where […]
The jQuery Mobile Project
At the jQuery conference in Boston (Oct 16th) John Resig announced that jQuery Mobile (Alpha) was released. I would say Mobile was the teams main focus during the conference. Some other main topics that were covered in the presentations were Testing, and Code Organization. At a high level, jQuery mobile is a UI Framework that […]
Editing Local Files with SPD 2010
Here is a quick blog about a change in SharePoint Designer 2010 (from 2007) and a work-around that you might like to know about. If you used SharePoint 2007 for editing SharePoint sites and local files, and now use SharePoint Designer 2010, you will find that the new version does not allow you to edit […]
Display SharePoint list data as a chart with a DVWP and FLOTjs
There are several solutions out there for displaying data with charts. It is not a elementary process but it is worth while. To keep it as simple as possible I used a Data View Web Part and a jQuery plug-in. As I considered the different solutions I looked for one that worked in all browsers […]
Make Top Nav in SharePoint 2010 display a horizontal line with menu items instead of the fly-out menu
FYI: I have posted a newer article that outlines a pure CSS solution for accomplishing this task. In SharePoint 2010 the navigation menus have been greatly improved. They now produce standards compliant HTML that can be custom styled without limitations. SharePoint 2007 came with an optional master page that was configured to show sub menu […]