As part of working on two SharePoint 2013 WCM projects I’ve had the opportunity to develop a lot of Display Templates. At first, Display Templates development sounded more painful than it should be, but as I spent more time I found a few techniques to easily build rich interfaces. In this post I’ll go over […]
Raja Ayyapusetty
Raja is a software consultant with over 9 years of experience in designing, developing and testing complex solutions using Microsoft technologies. Throughout his career he has worked primarily on SharePoint and .NET technologies. Raja has worked with SharePoint since the 2003 version and has deep understanding of its features and capabilities. Raja is also a certified Sitecore developer.

Blogs from this Author
Enable scope picker for Search Input Box in SharePoint 2010
To enable the scope picker next to search input box I started off with the 2007 approach of writing a custom feature and giving it higher priority as mentioned in this MSDN article. Even after setting the search control’s DropDownModeEx property to “ShowDD” it wasn’t displaying the dropdown. After some struggle I stumbled up on […]
Comparing SharePoint 2007 and 2010 Content Databases
It’s no secret that you are not supposed to touch SharePoint databases but there certainly are some scenarios which would tempt you to at least read from them; mostly for performance reasons. For example, if you want to do some kind of reporting with data pulled from lists spread over 15K sites, it’s not a […]
SharePoint 2010 – Sandbox Solutions
SharePoint 2010 introduces a new way of adding custom dev to SharePoint: Sandbox solutions, also called User Solutions. Solution deployment we are all used to in SharePoint 2007 still exists in SP2010 but those solutions will be called Farm solutions. Sandbox solutions are scoped to site collection and each site collection has its own gallery […]
Referencing Javascript files in Web Parts
To reference Javascript files in web parts, I’ve seen people adding them as embedded resources to the web part assembly. Problem is, simple updates to the Javascript in those files requires redeployment of the DLL and an iisreset. Another way of referencing JS files is doing the below in CreateChildControls method. This way you can […]
Customizing List Forms
MSDN has a very good article to customize list forms in 2003. This post explains how to do the same in 2007. I won’t be going through the steps for creating a custom list definition; there are many good articles for that. In 2007 SharePoint, List pages for all the lists are rendered using 2 […]
Cross-Web lookup columns
If you add a lookup column to a list/library from UI, it allows you only to pull information from a list within the same Web. However, if you need a lookup column to pull from a list in any web in the same site collection, you can do so through code. AddFieldAsXml method of SPFieldCollection, […]
SharePoint People Picker
This post is about a recent interesting observation with people picker. After using Windows authentication for a while we switched to forms authentication with custom membership provider. Now when we used people picker, it was displaying the custom membership provider users, which is expected, and also the domain users! This was confusing. After doing little […]
Email Document Library item as Attachment
I recently worked on a requirement where the client wanted the functionality of sending an item in document library as an attachment. If you look at the OOTB drop down menu of a document library item, it will give you the option to E-mail the link to the document but not to send the document […]
The evaluation version of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for this server has expired
Definitely not the message you want to see after paying a whole lot of bucks. This happened to a colleague of mine when he tried to setup "My Sites". In fact, same error message was thrown whenever he tried to use any feature of "MOSS Enterprise". After opening MS ticket and much debugging, here is […]
Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘ScopeId’ of Webs table
My database attach for WSS migration failed with the message: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘ScopeId’", detailed message at the end. I was able to migrate the same environment two weeks ago successfully but it keeps failing with the new backup. As the message said I tried looking into the Webs table for […]
Comments in Upgrade file
I’m currently migrating a WSS 2.0 environment to MOSS. For my custom site definition I created the upgrade file and placed it in the 12ConfigUpgrade folder. I named the upgrade file as site definition name + "Upgrade" so that the upgrade process will pick it. Being a stickler about having as many comments as possible, […]